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Some of course do, and we call them intelligent, but none are as quick-witted as we are.

Some of Mr Wen's interlocutors in Cebu, including Australia, Japan and South Korea, have since joined a chorus of Western criticism. 包括澳大利亚,日本和韩国在内的一些与会国家的领袖,也加入了西方谴责阵营的行列。
Some of South African's most popular radio stations are now available online, so you can catch up on all your SA music, news and talk, no matter where in the world you are. 不管您是在世界的任何角落.一些南非最普遍的电台现在在线可以听到,让您能了解所有南非的音乐,新闻和谈话,。
Some of Sun's art work was collected in books including Masterwork of International Calligraphy, Painting and Engraving Today, Painting and Calligraphy Work of Contemporary Famous Artists, Portray of Contemporary Famous Chinese Artists and Selection of Ch 其书法作品被收录于《当代国际书画篆刻精品博览》、《当代书画名家作品集》、《中国文化名人大写真》和《中国书法选集》(1978-1998卷)。
Some of Washington's letters are extant. 华盛顿的若干信函现仍存在。
Some of academicians in Insitiution of Science want to resign,to make room for younger and promising scientists. 科学院的部分资深院士提出退休,以便为更年轻有为的科学家腾出位置。
Some of course do, and we call them intelligent, but none are as quick-witted as we are. 有些动物的确有这个本事,我们也认为牠们很聪明,但是论急智,没有一种比得上我们。
Some of her explanations are just plain wrong. 她的某些阐述明显就是错的。
Some of her paintings are on display / on show in the local art galley. 她的一些画正在本地的美术馆展出。
Some of her students (who might normally have been doomed to poverty) went on to become doctors, dentists and college professors. 有些她的学生(原本注定要穷困潦倒一生的)日后(竞)成为医生、牙医及大学教授。
Some of her views are rather socialistic. 她的观点颇有一些社会主义倾向.
Some of his colleagues are less certain. 然而他的一些同事并不像他那么肯定。

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