The events provide one of the precious few venues for same-sex couples to participate in activities like figure skating and ballroom dancing without enduring jeers or sideways glances.
运动会专门从为数不多的几所高档场馆中选出一所,作为花样滑冰和交际舞此类比赛的场地,以防这些同性伴侣们受到嘲笑或遭白眼。 |
The events should be FULLY self sufficient and funded via registration fees.
该活动应该完全自给自足的并且是要透过注册费来提供资金。 |
The events that led up to the murder were shown in a series of flashbacks.
酿成谋杀案的各个环节是通过一系列倒叙手法来表现的. |
The events that transpired after September 11 have had a huge impact on the American psyche.
九一一事件后所发生的种种,都在美国人的精神面造成相当大的冲击。 |
The events turned manager Joe Torre's tone uncharacteristically testy, who called the play sadand a jokewhile saying that the Yankees wished Abreu at least could have determined his own fate.
这个事件让我们的托瑞爷爷异常的火大,他称这个判决为”可悲的””笑话”,而在同时,他说洋基希望至少阿伯可以决定自己的命运。 |
The events were originally dedicated to the worship of gods and heroes, especially deceased heroes.
比赛项目的设立最初是为了崇拜众神和英雄,特别是死去的英雄。 |
The events will take place this autumn.
不知道他有没有拒绝和调剂权。 |
The eventual decision came after weeks of consideration .
经过数周的考虑后最终作出了决定。 |
The eventual decision came after weeks of deliberation.
经过数星期的考虑后,最终决定出来了。 |
The eventual goal of Beijing's onslaught is still unclear.
北京的大规模拆迁计划的最终目标仍然不明确。 |
The eventual result is that it is ejected into space.
最终的结果就是其被喷射进太空中。 |