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In her stream of consciousness short story The Jilting of Granny Weatherall, through the creative employment of a series of light, color and shadow archetypes, character archetypes and theme archetype from the Holy Bible, Katherine Anne Porter reveals the

In her sepulchre there by the sea-- 在大海边那座坟茔里,
In her sketch “Transcendental Oats” she describes in an amusing way the experience of a year at Fruitlands, where an attempt was made to establish an ideal community. 她的随笔《想入非非》有趣地描述了有一年在果树园里的经历。人们试图在那里建立一个理想的社会。
In her spare time, she does Impressionist-style oil painting. 目前是法国国家天文学会会长,在閒暇时刻,她从事印象派油画创作。
In her speech, He said team leaders had summed up their Athens performance as one old, one young and one breakthrough. 在何的讲话中,他说代表团的领队已经将他们的雅典比赛总结为“一老,一新,一个突破。”
In her speech, the Minister came out against any change to the existing law. 这位部长在她的讲话中表示不同意对现行法律作任何更改。
In her stream of consciousness short story The Jilting of Granny Weatherall, through the creative employment of a series of light, color and shadow archetypes, character archetypes and theme archetype from the Holy Bible, Katherine Anne Porter reveals the 摘要在意识流短篇小说《被遗弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶》中,凯瑟琳·安·波特通过一系列光色影、人物以及主题的圣经原型的创造性运用,揭示了小说的宗教哲学主题:在宗教信仰动摇的西方现代社会,迷惘绝望的人用绝望后的自由行动书写属于自己的人生。
In her study, cigarette smoking was negatively related to IQ and thinking,she said. 她说:在研究中发现“抽烟对智商和思维能力有消极的影响。”
In her talk she went into the nature of imperialism. 她在报告中探讨了帝国主义的本性。
In her third year of high school she found a job in a small but expanding restaurant where she cashiered from the busy hour until closing. In her last year of high school the business increased so rapidly that Lottie was faced with the choice of staying i 高中三年级时,她在一家规模虽小但生意蒸蒸日上的餐馆找到一份工作,从生意最忙的时间帮忙出纳工作一直到打烊。高中最后一年,餐馆生意直线上升,珞蒂如果要工作就不能上课,面临了学业与职业的抉择。
In her thought she traced its course as it ran down the hill to the sluggish Fint River, through the tangled swampy bottoms and up the next hill to Twelve Oaks where Ashley lived. 在她思想里,她顺着这条路走下山,走到缓缓流淌的弗林特河,穿过乱糟糟的泥泞的河床,到达第二座山,到达十二橡树,阿希礼就住在那儿。
In her tomb by the side of the sea. 在大海边她的墓穴里。

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