And China has criticized Japan for its participation in a U.S.-led ballistic missile shield in the region.
中国则批评日本参与美国领导的地区弹道导弹防御系统。 |
And China's burgeoning demand for oil and other commodities has made it cosy up to countries whose unsavoury behaviour matters to the West, such as Iran.
中国对石油和其他商品不断膨胀的需求促使它去讨好像伊朗那样行事猥琐、对西方有重大影响的国家。 |
And China's oil demand will grow as incomes rise and more households can afford cars and energy-consuming household appliances.
并且中国石油需求将会随着收入的增长以及买得起汽车和消耗能源的家用电器的家庭越来越多而持续增长。 |
And China's relationship, famously “as close as lips and teeth”, with North Korea spawned a mouth ulcer last October when North Korea let off a nuclear weapon.
中国同北韩的关系,是著名的“唇齿相依”的关系,但去年十月北韩试验核武器时,这种关系发了“口腔溃疡”。 |
And Chinachem's cavalier attitude towards management suggests it was operating outside the world of disciplined, credit-scarred bankers.
华懋对管理层的傲慢态度表明公司的运作与纪律严明、记录信用的银行家圈子并无交涉。 |
And Chinese, Korean, Filipino and Indian engineers are graduating in droves from California's colleges.
中国、韩国、菲律宾和印度的工程师一批批地从加州的大学毕业。 |
And City boss Stuart Pearce would welcome the pacy winger back with open arms as his troops are hovering just two points above the top-flight relegation zone.
曼城主教练皮尔斯非常欢迎这位边前卫能够回到曼城来,现在这支英超球队离降级只差2分了。 |
And Coalition and Iraqi forces are seizing this moment to strike the enemies of freedom in Iraq at this time of uncertainty for their cause.
盟军和伊拉克军队希望能抓住这次机会,在恐怖分子失去主心骨的时候彻底击溃这些自由世界的敌人。 |
And Coz begat Anub, and Zobebah, and the families of Aharhel the son of Harum.
8哥斯生亚诺,琐比巴,并哈仑儿子亚哈黑的诸族。 |
And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.
8古实又生宁录,他为世上英雄之首。 |
And Cush begot Nimrod: He began to be a mighty one on the earth.
8古实又生宁录,他是地上最早的勇士。 |