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Has the experience of manage the daily office work. Has more than 2 years working experience is perferred.

Has the balance of power in the NBA shifted East? 东西部的实力平衡了么?
Has the builder presented his bill yet? 营造商把帐单送来了吗?
Has the cat got your tongue? 猫把你的舌头叼去了吗?为什么不吭声?
Has the container arrived in Sydney yet? 货柜已到悉尼了吗?
Has the earth ceased to yield its increase? 难道地球已不再繁衍生息?
Has the experience of manage the daily office work. Has more than 2 years working experience is perferred. 具有处理日常办公室事务的能力,最好已有两年以上相关工作经验。
Has the factory /manufacture established and maintain a documented quality system? Provide the chart of organization structure or the list of quality manual, process/management. 1制造厂/商是否建立文件化质量体系?提供组织机构图或质量手册、程序文件目录或管理文件目录。
Has the function of vacuuming disinfection and degradation,which can also disinfect the bed unit in and out effectively.This function has been granted the national patent. 具有抽真空消毒功能和解析功能,使床单位从里到外达到最佳消毒效果,此功能已获国家专利。
Has the general knowledge of Hotel Finance, good English skill of spoken and listening,strong sense of responsibility and details, has the related working experience in Hospitality Industry will be preferred. 有一定基础的财会知识,良好的英语听、说能力,工作负有责任心,注重细节,有酒店工作经验者优先。
Has the ghost manifested itself recently? 那鬼魂最近出现过吗?
Has the god of any nation ever delivered his land from the hand of the king of Assyria? 33列国的神有哪一个救他本国脱离亚述王的手呢?

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