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The report shows asylum applications by Iraqis in industrialized countries rose 77 percent last year to more than 22, 000.

The report says there are 740 square kilometers and an area about the size of NY city was cleared off mines last year. 报告指出在去年有相当于纽约大小的共740平方公里的面积的区域的地雷被清理掉。
The report says this is among various trends “with the potential to pose credible threats to modern militaries operating in the region”. 报告认为这是在各种趋向中“有潜力对在该地区进行军事活动的现代化军队施加确实的威胁”。
The report says unchecked global warming, more than wars or political upheaval, will displace millions of people and destabilise many countries. 报告称,尚未得到抑制的全球变暖比战争和政变更可怕,它将迫使数百万人口迁移,动摇很多国家的安定局面。
The report seeks to shed light in those parts of the world where religious persecution is perpetrated, and by that light to impede its progress. 它将那些实行宗教迫害的地区曝光,并因此而阻止宗教迫害的蔓延。
The report shall include: the aim of the establishment of the proposed enterprise; the scope and scale of business operation; the products to be produced; the technology and equipment to be adopted and used; the proportion of the sales of products between 报告内容包括:设立外资企业的宗旨;经营范围、规模;生产产品;使用的技术设备;产品在中国和国外市场的销售比例;用地面积及要求;需要用水、电、煤、煤气或者其他能源的条件及数量;对公共设施的要求等。
The report shows asylum applications by Iraqis in industrialized countries rose 77 percent last year to more than 22, 000. 报告显示去年伊拉克难民在工业化国家的申请上升77%,超过20000人。
The report shows asylum applications by Iraqis in industrialized countries rose 77 percent last year to more than 22,000. 报告显示去年伊拉克人在工业国的避难申请上升了77%,达到2.2万,这是自2002年以来的最大数目。
The report shows patent filings have increased in line with economic growth over the past 20 years, almost doubling to 1.6m globally in 2004. 上述报告显示,在过去20年内,专利申请量随着经济的增长而上升,2004年,全球申请量几乎增长一倍,达到160万件。
The report shows that middle-income countries with high growth rates still have a long way to go before they catch up with the levels of prosperity of the richest. 该报告显示,经济高速增长的中等收入国家要想赶上最富裕国家的繁荣水平,仍有很长的路要走。
The report shows that while it was the warmest autumn on record at many stations, it was also one of the wettest. Most stations' records go back to the 1950s. 报告表明尽管在许多气象站的记录上这个秋天是最暖和的,但是是最湿润的季节之一。大多数气象站的记录可以追溯到20世纪50年代。
The report shows worldwide filings of patent applications grew at an average annual rate 4.7% in 2005. With the highest growth rates in North East Asia, particularly in South Korea and China. 有报告显示2005年世界申请专利的资料以每年平均4.7%速度增长,其中增长速度最快地区为东北亚,尤其是韩国和中国。

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