If not, a living will come to you in other ways.
如果不是,生活将以其他的方式走近你。 |
If not, a third pathologist was consulted with the majority opinion yielding the final diagnosis.
如若存在分歧,向第三位病理学专咨询主要诊断意见,以得到最终诊断结果。 |
If not, do you facilitate collective bargaining or communication with management?
如果没有,你们是否协助劳资双方就工资等问题同管理层谈判或沟通? |
If not, get rid of it.
,如果不是的话,马上处理掉。 |
If not, hearken unto me: hold thy peace, and I shall teach thee wisdom.
33若不然,你就听我说。你不要作声,我便将智慧教训你。 |
If not, it could be a great leap backwards.
否则,大踏步的倒退就有可能接踵而至。 |
If not, it will lash out at you and kill you.
不然的话,移植的骨髓就会向你发起进攻,置你于死地。 |
If not, job promotions and pay raises will go to others.
如果你还没准备好和他们应对,那被升迁或是加薪的将会是别人。 |
If not, let me help you out.
如果没有,那么让我帮助你。 |
If not, please do this as soon as possible or otherwise you will be disqualified from this competition (All members in a group are required to complete this step individually).
如你还未完成这步骤,你的参赛资格将被取消(同一组别内的所有成员须个别完成此步骤)。 |
If not, please keep my name on your file, because I consider your pharmacy the best in this region.
若不能,也请记下我的姓名,因为我认为贵院药剂部是本地区最好的。 |