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As current treatment methods, such as argon laser photocoagulation, can not effectively destroy the tumor, here we report one case of circumscribed choroidal hemangioma with exudative retinal detachment having received previous failed argon laser photocoa

As credit-market worries spread, Rhineland could no longer secure new short-term funding and called on a eu12 billion line of credit promised by IKB and a handful of other banks. 正当信贷市场的忧虑扩撒开去之时,莱茵兰再也不能确保收回其短期债券并且IKB及其他数家银行也无法兑现之前保证过的高达120亿欧元的最高信贷限额。
As criticisms they have gained their importance as literature itself and therefore are different from literary criticism in their objects and categories. 它们作为批评同样获得了文学本体的意义,从对象和范围上看,显然与通常所说的文学批评大不一样。
As crowds of opposition supporters, mostly from Ms Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party (PPP), marched towards the courthouse, they were fired on with automatic weapons from rooftops and road-blocks. 布托女士的巴基斯坦人民党(PPP)的支持者在向法院的游行的途中,遭到了藏在屋顶和躲在路障后的自动武器的攻击。
As crystallization progresses across the temperature gradient, it is possible to move the sample by precise stepper motor control (at specified rate) in the opposite direction so that the crystallization front remains in the field of view. 当沿着温度梯度方向发生结晶过程的时候,可以向相反方向通过高精度步进马达移动样品,这样可以把结晶前沿始终保持在视域中。
As culture, games are open systems. 如文化一样,游戏程序是开放的体系。
As current treatment methods, such as argon laser photocoagulation, can not effectively destroy the tumor, here we report one case of circumscribed choroidal hemangioma with exudative retinal detachment having received previous failed argon laser photocoa 本文报告一例局限型脉络膜血管瘤病患接受『经循血绿增强之二极体雷射光凝固法』治疗的临床经验。
As currently understood, general relativity and quantum mechanics are incompatible. 就现在的理解,广义相对论和量子力学是不相容的。
As cynical as that ploy sounds, it actually seemed likely we were heading toward paradise as we left a gorgeous locale only to watch the scenery grow ever more stunning. 我们离开一个景色如画的所在、只为见到更让人叹的风景,就像是在风尘仆仆地赶往天堂,这和中缅人的做法似乎有某种相似的追求“脱俗”的意味。
As cynics pointed out, Mr Brown should appreciate the advantages of an identity capacious enough to allow a Scot to govern England. 就像愤世嫉俗者们指出的,布朗先生应该感激对身份的足够宽容让一个他苏格兰人来管理英格兰。
As days went by, they had no news of their mother. 时间1天天地过去啦,他们仍然没有他们妈妈的消息。
As declared by the scientists this Thursday , they drew a conclusion from the landmark comparison, they named as perfect demostration of Darwin's theory of evolution, the genetic inheritance are practically same between human and chimpanzee. 科学家星期四在一场他们称之为对达尔文进化论的“完美证明”的里程碑式的对比中称,人和黑猩猩的遗传基因几乎一样。

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