The diarrhea is particularly foul smelling and is sometimes yellow in color.
排泄物通常为黄色并拌有恶臭。 |
The diary also shows his light-hearted side.
日记也展现了他轻松的一面。 |
The diary of Angelina Jolie, a new documentary special on the poverty crisis in Africa, is headed to MTV this September 14 as part of MTV's new pro-social initiative think MTV.
MTV电视台将于九月十四日播放以非洲贫穷危机为题的记录片《安祖莲娜的日记》。观众可以追随著安祖莲娜祖莉和杰弗里医生到访非洲的巴尔绍理和肯雅的贫困村落,从中窥见那里粮食及食水短缺,乏善可陈的医疗设备的恶劣环境。 |
The diary portrays his family as quarrelsome and malicious.
日记中描述了他家反宅乱的事. |
The diary that will be created consists of two web pages; one page with a table of contents and statistics (statistics on how many messages you have sent etc) and the other page contains all your messages, formatted in a nice way.
这个日志将会包含有两个网页,一个网页含有一个内容列表和统计(可以统计出你一共发送了多少条短消息等),另一个网页将会以合适的方式保存你的信息、格式等。 |
The dice is cast!
已成定局了! |
The dice seem to deal )with heaven.
小片似乎处理)由于天堂. |
The dicision made her very unpopular with the staff.
这一决定使她在工作人员中很不受欢迎。 |
The dict() constructor builds dictionaries directly from lists of key-value pairs stored as tuples. When the pairs form a pattern, list comprehensions can compactly specify the key-value list.
链表中存储关键字-值对元组的话,字典可以从中直接构造。关键字-值对来自一个模式时,可以用链表推导式简单的表达关键字-值链表。 |
The dictation began, but in the rush of writing Ganesha's pen broke.
口述开始,但在勿忙的书写中,甘尼萨的笔弄坏了。 |
The dictator abused his privileges to his heart's content.
那个独裁者尽情地滥用特权。 |