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A large proportion of the lab's efforts have gone towards finding a technique to directly control the behavior of one side of the synapse –the presynaptic one –by replacing it with an artificial terminal under our control.

A large proportion of the best citizen hate his despotism . 一大部分最好的公民都痛恨他的专制君主统治。
A large proportion of the best citizen hate his despotism. 一大部分最好的公民都痛恨他的专制君主统治。
A large proportion of the best citizens hated his despotism. 一大部分最好的公民都痛恨他的专制君主统治。
A large proportion of the country is desert. 这个国家的大部分地方是沙漠。
A large proportion of the earth surface is ocean. 地球表面大部分是海洋。
A large proportion of the lab's efforts have gone towards finding a technique to directly control the behavior of one side of the synapse –the presynaptic one –by replacing it with an artificial terminal under our control. 本实验室主要致力于研发新技术,藉由替换一个我们控制之下的人工电极来直接控制突触单一侧(突触前)的行为。
A large proportion of the students were sick last week. 上星期大部分学生病了。
A large quantity of air-conditioners has been sold since the temperature is high. 因为气温很高,有大量空调售出。
A large rambling country estate. 一大片连绵的乡村地产
A large restriction exists in acquiring hydrodynamic field due to the insufficient data of water level in the course of exploration of in-situ leachable sandstone-type uranium deposit. 摘要在可地浸砂岩型铀矿床的找矿中,由于水位资料匮乏,水动力场研究受到很大的限制。
A large sack designed to store a sleeping bag without compressing it. By keeping the insulation at its highest loft, it lasts longer and preserve its thermal efficiency longer . 睡袋不用时的收纳袋,可保持睡袋内的保暖填充在不受压缩的状态,可延长睡袋使用的膨账度及保暖力,增加睡袋使用年限.

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