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During pretreatment, lyophilization was applied to avoid the loss of volatile organic acids; For standard curves of internal standard, double internal standards were applied to obtain better quantitative results.

During period of get-together from July 24th, Guide of forum of Zhouyi World will support more general and better infomations for every friend. Hope you enjoy the trip to Shenzhen! 7月24日聚会期间,易坛向导将会更全面,更完善地为各位朋友提供相关信息。为您的深圳一行锦上添花!
During piano playing and teaching, we should pay attention to rhythm changing of formal or informal rhythm, strong or weak beat, syncope or link line tercet or various slur. 在钢琴教学及演奏中,要注意正规节奏与不正规节奏、强起拍与弱起拍、切分音与连结线、三连音及各种连音符等节奏的变化。
During portfolio management, there are trade-impact cost, strategy-execution cost by free-rider, liquidity management cost and style-execution cost by style investment. 证券投资资金存在特定的资产组合管理成本,包括交易影响成本、免费搭车者引起的方案执行成本、开放式基金的流动性成本及特定基金的风格执行成本。
During pregame ceremonies, players joined members of the police, fire department and rescue teams on the field as a giant American flag covered the outfield. 在赛前庆祝仪式中,球员和警察,消防队员及救援团队一同站在球场上,外野区盖著一面巨大的美国国旗。
During pregnancy mothers may become sensitized to platelet membrane antigens present on fetal platelets. 在怀孕期内母亲也许会对胎儿的血小板细胞膜上表达的抗体过敏。
During pretreatment, lyophilization was applied to avoid the loss of volatile organic acids; For standard curves of internal standard, double internal standards were applied to obtain better quantitative results. 在样品的前处理中使用了冷冻挥干技术,避免了前处理中挥发性有机酸的损失;在色谱内标标准曲线定量时引入了双内标,从而得到了较好的定量结果。
During production ,automatic re-feed the main materials,control tension,get rid of waste products and correct the deviation. 主要材料自动换接料、自控张力、自动剔除换接料次废品、自动纠偏。
During production and storage, appropriate measures are taken to ensure that the total viable aerobic count is adequately controlled and monitored. 生产和贮存阶段,应采取适当措施保证总需氧菌数得到充分监控。
During project period, coordinate with application service provider, IT infrastructure, SAP team for application implementation. 在项目期间,协调应用服务供应商,IT基础架构,SAP部门负责应用实施。
During rapid decompression, the consequences of pulmonary overinflation can cause alveolar rupture leading arterial gas embolism. 当快速减压时,肺臓会发生过度膨胀的现象,终至肺泡破裂,使得气泡进入血液内,造成空气栓塞症的发生。
During recent ten years, the research on biosynthesis of natural products, particularly of polyketides has made staggering progress with the application of the methods and techniques transplanted from molecular biology into bioorganic chemistry. 摘要近10年来,随著分子生物学的研究方法和技术在生物有机化学中的广泛应用,天然産物尤其是多酮类化合物的生物研究取得了令人瞩目的进展。

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