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The port was disconnected due to hardware failure.

The port of Dover is England's gateway to Europe. 多佛港是英国进入欧洲的大门.
The port of Rotterdam is booming. Container traffic in 2004 grew by 16 percent to 8.3 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU), each unit corresponding to a 20-foot long shipping container. 鹿特丹港正在飞速发展,2004年的集装箱吞吐量上升了16%,达到830万个标准箱单位(TEU),每个单位对应一个20英尺的船运集装箱。
The port of discharge may also be shown as a range of ports or a geographical area, as stated in the credit. 卸货港可以按信用证中的规定显示为一组港口或某个地理区域。
The port was disconnected by the remote machine. 该端口不能被远程计算机连接。
The port was disconnected by the user. 该端口不能被当前用户连接。
The port was disconnected due to hardware failure. 该端口因为硬件设备故障而不能被连接。
The port was disconnected. 该端口不能被连接。
The portable DC bridge is a device for measuring resistance that be applied widely to field-testing of electric power system. 摘要携带式直流电桥是一种电队测量仪器,在电力系统现场测试中应用极广。
The portal enables club officers to add and remove members on their club membership list, edit current membership information, and pay dues online (during January and July only) as well as download various reports. 这个入口网站让扶轮社职员可在其扶轮社社员名单增删社员,编辑现有社员资料,并利用网路缴交社费(限1月及7月),并可下载各种报告。
The portal of the mansion looks magnificent. 这座大厦的正门看上去富丽堂皇。
The portentous Thinker I placed on the edge of the cupboard so that he looked down at the bath towel and waited for it to slip. 那个怪异的思考者,我把它放到了橱柜边缘,这样他好象在朝下盯着那条浴巾,等待着它掉下来。

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