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When the gossip passes from one hand to another hand, it becomes richer.

When the gold deposits were depleted, these early settler stayed, moving into occupations like gardening, farming, domestic service, road construction, and railway building. 当金矿被淘尽的时候,这些早期的定居者留了下来,转而从事园艺、农业、家政服务、道路和铁路建设等行业。
When the golden bowl was broken, she committed suicide by jumping off the school building. 当她的幻想破灭时,他就从学校的教学楼上跳下来自杀了。
When the golf ball go through the water and the boskage, and enters in the hole, you can tast the enjoyment and the challenge. 当小白球穿过茂密的树丛和蜿蜒的流水,进入果岭上的洞杯时,成就感刹时溢满胸中,大大增加了打球的趣味性和挑战性。
When the goods have been shipped on deck in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the carrier shall not be liable for the loss of or damage to the goods caused by the special risks involved in such carriage. 承运人依照前款规定将货物装载在舱面上,对由于此种装载的特殊风险造成的货物灭失或者损坏,不负赔偿责任。
When the gorilla sat on it, the branch bent but did not break. 大猩猩坐在树枝上时,树枝弯了但没有折断。
When the gossip passes from one hand to another hand, it becomes richer. 当闲话从一个人传给另一个人,它会变得更丰富。
When the government organized a Women's Association and a Women's Evening School, Fortunate Flower joined. 后来,政府成立了妇女会,还举办了妇女夜校,杏花也加入了妇女会,并经常去夜校学习。
When the government set about building the MRT, their first step was to develop a massive plan for the project. 政府筹建捷运系统的第一步,是拟定整个工程的详细计划。
When the grace peroid expires, the contract is annulled. 当这个宽限期届满,你仍未执行合同的话,该合同就终止了。
When the graduates enter the society, they will become the current financial personnel who are active in bank, securities, insurance, investment, actuarial business accounting and management; namely the new generation competitive in the global finance fie 一旦步入社会,将成为包括银行、证券、保险、投资、精算、会计及管理等行业的金融平台上炙手可热的通用人才和未来世界金融领域中具有国际竞争能力的新生代。
When the graft ratio was high, the hydrophilic side chain was long and the molecular mass of the main chain of the hydrophilic matrix was great, the diffusion of PP-g-PEG in PP blends would be poor, and the diffusion coefficient would also be small. 接枝率越高、亲水性侧链的长度越长,亲基体主链摩尔质量越大,接枝共聚物在聚丙烯共混体系中的迁移扩散性能越差,扩散系数越小。

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