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They would not go out doubtless because of the shining light.

They would make fun of him for having to work. 他们会为必须工作嘲弄他。
They would moderate inflationary pressures, direct investment in favour of domestic, rather than export, markets and curb the fruitless accumulation of excessive foreign exchange reserves. 此举将缓和通胀压力,将投资引向有利于国内市场、而不是有利于出口市场,遏制过多外汇储备无益的累积。
They would not consent to my leaving school. 他们对我的辍学不会点头答应的。
They would not dream of proposing such legislation for guns that fire real bullets. 然而,他们连做梦也不会想到要立法制约能发射真子弹的枪支。
They would not entertain any price lower than $150 per ton. 他们不会考虑任何低于每吨一百五十美元的价格。
They would not go out doubtless because of the shining light. 他们不可能出门了,因为灯还开着呢!
They would not let him accede to a tenured position in his department. 在系里,他们不让他成为终身教授。
They would not tolerate lying or stealing in their communities, nor would they allow blasphemy against God. 他们不容忍社区中有说谎和偷窃的行为,也不允许亵渎神。
They would plan to register that shape as a trademark. 这个厂商想把这个形状,就是瓶口插一片柠檬片的形状注册为他的商标。
They would play basketball after school. 他们过去常在放学后打篮球。
They would prance on their hind legs, making wild swipes in the air or tumbling over each other. 它们会用后腿支撑站立起来,互相用掌猛击,或者互相滚在一起。

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