Her office is on the second floor.
她的办公室在三楼. |
Her official designation is Research Editor.
她的正式职称是研究编辑。 |
Her officials within her are like wolves tearing their prey; they shed blood and kill people to make unjust gain.
28其中的先知为百姓用未泡透的灰抹墙,就是为他们见虚假的异象,用谎诈的占卜,说,主耶和华如此说,其实耶和华没有说。 |
Her offspring will crush your head, and you will bite their heel.
她的后代都将砸你的头,而你则会咬他们的脚跟。” |
Her old chums in the Chapter are now out to kill her so she enlists the help of a cheap detective named Mitch.
但她不知道,警匪两家正串通一气制造大案,为的是让政府意识到反恐怖组织的重要性,增加财政拨款,她自己只是这肮脏交易中的一个牺牲品。 |
Her older sister often fabled for amusement.
她的姊姊常常为了消遣而说些有的没的。 |
Her one priceless asset is her unflappability.
她有一点是非常难能可贵的,就是她遇事冷静。 |
Her only drawback is that she's so stupid.
她的唯一缺点是她很笨。 |
Her only fear in life was the loss of a friend.
她生命里唯一的恐惧就是失去朋友。 |
Her open letter is really an apology for her way of life.
她的公开信实际上是对她生活方式的辩护。 |
Her open letter was really an apology for her way of life.
她的公开信实际上是对她生活方式的辩护。 |