The mind-robbing disease, which is always fatal and has no cure, can now only be definitively diagnosed by looking at the brain after a patient has died.
这种致命的疾病不但使大脑丧失功能并且无法治疗,现在只能在患者去世后,观察其脑组织变化方可确诊。 |
The mindless fleshbeasts were brought into this world by Medivh, summoned from some unspeakable place beyond.
这些毫无心智的血肉魔畜由麦迪文引入这个世界,来自于某个不可名状的空间深处。 |
The mine finally came to rest on the sea bed.
那水雷最後沉入海底. |
The mine geology disaster is an important branch of geology disaster, At present the mine geology disaster of our country has many characteristics, such as varied, widely distributed, great influence, conspicuous potential hazard, and the coal mine is hea
摘要矿山地质灾害是地质灾害的一个重要分支,目前,我国矿山地质灾害具有种类多,分布广,影响大,潜在灾害隐患突出,且煤炭矿山重于非煤矿山,金属矿山重于非金属矿山;矿山地质灾害类型与矿山规模、开采方式、矿产类型及所处地域相关等特点。 |
The mine has long been worked .
这个矿场已经开采很久了。 |
The mine was closed owing to exhaustion.
这个煤矿因矿源枯竭而被关闭。 |
The mineral can be found in hot spring deposits and as a volcanic sublimate product.
这种矿物可以在温泉的沈淀物中找到,它也是火山的升华产物。 |
The mineral elements from the soil that are usable by the plant must be dissolved in the soil solution before they can be taken into the root.
土壤中可供植物利用的矿物成分,必须溶解在土壤中才能被根部吸收。 |
The mineral elements of the bamboo salt have a high whitening effect, can dilute and decompose the melanin so as to quickly whiten the skin.
竹盐活性矿物成份具有极强美白功能,能淡化和分解黑色素,从而令肌肤迅速变白。 |
The mineral oils are a mix of several hydrocarbons with different length of carbon chain.
矿物油是一种混合物,由长短不一的碳链和几个碳氢化合物混合而成。 |
The mineral quality with natural seaweed essence, amino acid clean elixir, the deep layer brushing dirty mark inside the pore and the surplus oleins, valid for at the same time stet the skin aqua, abundance can wake the skin vigor up, making skin feel mor
成份:含天然海藻精华,氨基酸清洗剂,深层清洁毛孔内污垢及多余油脂,同时有效保留肌肤水份,丰富的矿物质能唤醒肌肤活力,使肌肤倍感轻松舒畅,让你拥有清爽明亮的肤色。 |