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She was suffering a mysterious ebb and flow of mood.

She was subjected to indignity and humiliation. 她受到侮辱和羞辱。
She was successful for her fortitude character. 因为坚韧不拔的性格她成功了。
She was successful in the entrance examination. 她入学考试通过了。
She was such a prude that she was even embarrassed by the sight of naked children. 她正经得出了格, 甚至见了赤身露体的孩子也难为情.
She was suddenly aware of the comforting bulge of her yo-yo pressing against her hipbone in her pocket. A second later it was out, warm in her trembling hand. 她突然知道她的在她口袋中压迫对抗她的臀骨溜溜球的令人欣慰胀。 一秒之后它外出,在她的发抖手中温暖。
She was suffering a mysterious ebb and flow of mood. 她情绪一时高涨一时低落,令人捉摸不透。
She was surprised by the boy's intelligence. 那男孩的智力使她很吃惊.
She was suspended from school for stealing. 她因有偷窃行为遭勒令停学处分.
She was swallowed up by the crowd and we lost sight of her. 她淹没在人群之中,我们看不到她了。
She was swept away by his good looks. It was only later that she found out that he had a cruel streak. Love is blind. 她被他英俊的长相迷住了,直到后来才发现他待人残忍。这真是爱情使人迷了眼。
She was swept off her feet by a whirlwind courtship. 狂热的求爱使她控制不住自己的感情。

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