On the other hand,a particular dialect may be used as the standard and official language of a country ,but not necessarily be regarded as the natioanl language of its citizens.
另一方面,一个特定的方言被用做一个国家的标准和官方语言,但不一定被认为是该国人民的国家语言。 |
On the other hand,government employees working in Beijing are not likely to purchase farming tools such as hoes and sickles.
(反而观之,在北京工作的政府雇员,不太可能购买诸如锄头与镰刀之类的农具。) |
On the other hand,rude people are looked down upon,Rudeness shows poor education.
另一方面,没有礼貌的人则被人瞧不起。粗鲁是没教养的表现。 |
On the other hand,the heart of Buddha's teaching is to see the actual state of things,as they are,and this is called the true View.
另一方面,佛陀教义的精要就是要看清楚“事物的本来面目”,我们称之为“正见”。 |
On the other hand,the life cycle of the family can have negative effects on demand.
另一方面,家庭生命周期对假期消费的需求量存在负面影响! |
On the other hand, Bill has worked with big companies.
资金规模是绩效的拖累,这是毫无疑问的。 |
On the other hand, we were hungry, and to reject the gesture altogether would humiliate the warder we were trying to befriend.
而另一方面,我们饥肠辘辘,完全拒绝这种表示会使我们正尽力去亲近的狱吏感到羞辱。 |
On the other planes, souls exist in spirit form corresponding to that dimension.
在其他层次,灵魂以对应于那个维度的精神形式存在。 |
On the other side of the Atlantic, the damming of African rivers has led to the spread of human blood flukes that depend on snails as a host and cause human schistosomiasis.
在大西洋的另一边,由于非洲河川建了水坝,导致以螺类为寄主的人类血吸虫到处散播,引发人类的血吸虫病。 |
On the other side of the Channel, the Germans also sped up their preparation.
在海峡的对岸,德国人也在加速准备。 |
On the other side of the debate are mothers who say day care helps children learn social skills.
在辩论的另一方面是一些声称日托可以帮助孩子学到社会技能。 |