Hoped you can find the commodity which oneself likes, thanks!
希望您能找到自己喜欢的商品,谢谢光临。 |
Hoped you understood any words from this lyric song meaning is.
希望您了解什麽这首歌曲意味是。 |
Hopefully I can put that right this time around with Ferrari.
真希望这一次,能和法拉利一起改变这一切。 |
Hopefully I will have a chance to visit there.
希望将来能有机会再去那里。 |
Hopefully Owen's serious knee injury will be on the mend by the time he and wife Louise climb up the stairs to the room, which is 15 feet in the air and includes a kingsize bed, shower and toilet as well as a balcony over-looking the Welsh hills.
到那时欧文膝盖的伤很可能已经好了,路易斯可以来到距地面15英尺高的房间,那里放着一张超大号的床,有独立的卫生间,在阳台上可以俯瞰威尔士山的风景. |
Hopefully as the weeks go on, you know, my shoulder will be strong.
在没有比赛的时候,我特别要好好休息,希望经过这2个星期,我的肩膊会回复良好状态。」 |
Hopefully for Gordon's young Bulls, that intensity will be stronger than whatever aggressiveness and/or physicality the Heat bring with them to their white-splashed home stadium later this week.
希望这支年轻的公牛真的能像戈登所说的那样,保持他们的战斗力,并不断提升它;不管在热火主场,他们将迎来的是侵略性的还是对抗性的还是这两者兼具的熊熊烈火。 |
Hopefully he stays injury free till the end of the season.
希望他直到赛季末都不会再有伤病。 |
Hopefully his punishment will act as a deterrent to others.
对他的惩罚有希望能起到杀一儆百的作用。 |
Hopefully our football team will win.
希望我们的足球队会赢。 |
Hopefully our teacher wont ask me to read mine.
希望老师不会叫我朗读我的报告。 |