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1 Apply the coating to flat (plane) panels with the substrate, method of preparation, method of application, coating system, film thickness, and method of drying consistent with the anticipated end use, or as mutually agreed upon between the producer and

1 And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach. 5耶和华也必在锡安全山、并各会众以上、使白日有烟云、黑夜有火焰的光.因为在全荣耀之上必有遮蔽。
1 Any changes to the Environmental Monitoring and Audit arrangement as required under the Environmental Schedule contained in the EIA Report (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Schedule) or under the Implementation Schedule submitted shall be ju 所提交的环境计划或实施时间表如有需要对环境监察及审核安排作任何更改,须经由环境监察及审核报告载明的独立环境查核人提供充分理由支持并加以核证,然后提交署长批准。
1 Any claim for general average and salvage to be on the basis of an adjustment according to the York-Antwerp Rule 1974 if so required by the Underwriters but the insured value of Hull and Machinery to be taken as the contributory value without deduction. 1为共同海损和救助而提出的任何索赔,若经保险人要求应根据1974年《约克安特卫普规则》作为理算基础,但船体和机器的保险价值应作为分摊价值而不得作任何扣除。
1 Any organisation, with no less than 50 members and a history of no less than one year, can become a member of X, on the condition that it agrees to comply with this constitution. 1任何不到50名成员并且成立不到一年的组织,并同意遵守本章程的组织均可成为X的成员。
1 Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact all comments become null and void after 7days. 第一条:我们半年前说过的话不能被用在现在的争论中。事实上,所有说过的话七天后就失效了。
1 Apply the coating to flat (plane) panels with the substrate, method of preparation, method of application, coating system, film thickness, and method of drying consistent with the anticipated end use, or as mutually agreed upon between the producer and 采用与最终用途一致、或生产商与客户一致通过的底材、预处理方法、涂敷方法、涂料体系、涂层厚度以及干燥方法,将涂料涂敷于平板.
1 April, China Telecom European Representative Office was set up in London, UK. 4月1日中国电信在英国伦敦设立欧洲办事处。
1 Are you hitting your targets? 一)球有下到目标点吗?
1 Are you the one that plays ten kinds of jazz rolled into one? 你是那个能把10种爵士乐溶于一曲的钢琴家吗?
1 Aspirin has been recognized as inhibiting normal platelet function and the mechanism has been clearly delineated. 人们发现阿斯匹林有抑制正常血小板的功能,且这种机制曾有人清楚地描述过。
1 At each pole location, the Permit Holder shall re-vegetate the ground with native trees/shrubs species to reinstate the landscape back to the original conditions and to maintain the re-established vegetation for two years after the commissioning of the 许可证持有人须在每个电缆杆地面位置重新种植本土树木/灌木品种,藉此回复原有景观,并在工程项目启用后两年间,保养重新种植的植物。

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