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This tooth is sensitive to cold.

This tool of his is useful. 他的这个工具很有用。
This tool reads CSS just like a browser would. So using hacks which are browser specific will give random results, make sure any hacks are removed before use. 注意:此工具读取CSS的方式同浏览器相同.因此有浏览器无法识别的代码,将会给出随机的结果,请在使用前,移除任何浏览器无法识别的代码.
This tool supports analysis of the video log to derive usability metrics as well. 该工具还能够对视频日志的分析来制定可用性度量。
This tool will answer our needs. 这工具能满足我们的需要。
This tool, our body, is given to us for only a short time: this life. 身体只是让我们使用一世的(短暂)工具。
This tooth is sensitive to cold. 这颗牙对冷过敏。
This top quality coffee has a typical Viennese taste. Its full body and aroma embodies traditional. 简介:这一高品质的咖啡具有典型的维也纳口味,醇厚的口感体现了悠久的维也纳咖啡文化。
This top-level view of structure and function is important because of its explanatory power in understanding the nature of computer. 从整体来看,结构和功能这概念非常重要,因为它有助于理解计算机的性质。
This topic confirmation uses the analysis situs all is the classicsalso has the certain representation, strengthened the confirmationfeasibility and the reliability, but as a result of the conditionlimit, uses the equipment solely, the low end, the very m 本课题验证所采用的拓扑都是经典且具有一定代表性,增强了验证的可行性和可靠性,但是由于条件限制,所用设备单一,低端,很多环境如流量的模拟等无法实现,不能很好的与实际应用接轨,这是最大的遗憾。
This topic falls naturally into three sections. 这个论题可自然地分成三个部分。
This topic generally reminds us of a saying: survival of the fittest. 看到这个话题,我们会很自然地想到“优胜劣汰,适者生存”的格言。

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