The hypotheses test results support the significant influence of work characteristics change has on employee organizational commitment.
本研究以台湾南部地区进行民营化中的三家公营事业员工作为研究对象,以问卷调查方式收集资料,共收回有效问卷213份。 |
The hypothesis is based on the thorough experiments.
这个假设是奠基在彻底的实验上。 |
The hypothesis is that memory is socially constructed.
假说是,记忆社会上被修建。 |
The hypothesis is that the higher the price of a commodity, the larger the quantity that will be supplied, other things being equal.
在其他因素不变的情况下,假定商品的价格越高,供给量越大。 |
The hypothesis of this cue is justified in the two experiments conducted in this study.
该假设在我们的两个实验中得到了证实。 |
The hypothesis that they do this by pure chance is at least worth examining.
他们的绩效即使纯属巧合,这项假说至少也值得我们加以审查。 |
The hypothesized mass, stability and neutrality of the neutralino satisfy all the requirements of cold dark matter.
中性伴子的质量、稳定性和电中性满足了冷暗物质所要求的各种性质。 |
The hypothetical data also show that even when there are only 2 IVs, the nonsignificance of a β does not give sufficient evidence on the triviality of the corresponding IV.
同时,本文也透过例子指出:即使自变项只有两个,一个自变项的标准化迴归系数在统计上不显著也不表示该变项不重要。 |
The hypothetical universal solvent once sought by alchemists.
万能溶剂炼金术士曾一度寻求的假想的万能溶剂 |
The hysterectomy specimen was evaluated for residual CIN lesions and compared with the conization margin status.
结果:锥状切片组织的直径和深度方面,刀片切除明显较线圈电切术切除者来得宽且深。 |
The i ection of commodity is no easy job.
商检工作不是那么简单。 |