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Then suddenly, he thought of the awl which is used to make shoes.

Then stood Jeshua with his sons and his brethren, Kadmiel and his sons, the sons of Judah, together, to set forward the workmen in the house of God: the sons of Henadad, with their sons and their brethren the Levites. 拉3:9于是犹大〔在二章四十节作何达威雅〕的后裔、就是耶书亚、和他的子孙与弟兄、甲篾和他的子孙、利未人希拿达的子孙与弟兄、都一同起来、督理那在神殿作工的人。
Then stood up Jeshua the son of Jozadak, and his brethren the priests, and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and his brethren, and builded the altar of the God of Israel, to offer burnt offerings thereon, as it is written in the law of Moses the man of God 2约萨达的儿子耶书亚和他的弟兄众祭司,并撒拉铁的儿子所罗巴伯,与他的弟兄,都起来建筑以色列神的坛,要照神人摩西律法书上所写的,在坛上献燔祭。
Then stood up upon the stairs, of the Levites, Jeshua, and Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, and Chenani, and cried with a loud voice unto the LORD their God. 4耶书亚,巴尼,甲篾,示巴尼,布尼,示利比,巴尼,基拿尼站在利未人的台上,大声哀求耶和华他们的神。
Then subtract your obligation from your assets. 从你的资产中除去债务。
Then suddenly they heard, far away as it might be, and yet apparently nearly over their heads, a confused murmur of sound, as if people were shouting and cheering and stamping on the floor and hammering on tables. 忽然,他们听到低沉的嘈杂声,似乎很远,但显然就在头顶上,像有许多人在喊叫,欢呼,在地板上跺脚,用拳头捶桌子。
Then suddenly, he thought of the awl which is used to make shoes. 情急之下,他想到了老伴纳鞋底用的锥子。
Then summarize the experience, misplay and strategy in dealing with some sudden matters, and use them as reference in other alike activities in the future. 总结比赛运作过程中的经验、失误、以及处理突发事件的应急措施的策略,作为以后俱乐部运作同类活动的参考依据。
Then summarize the experience, misplay and strategy in dealing with some sudden matters, so that club can use them as reference in other alike activities in the future. 总结比赛运作过程中的经验、失误、以及处理突发事件的应急措施的策略,作为以后俱乐部运作同类活动的参考依据。
Then supervisor begins to set an example. 接着舍监便开始示范。
Then switch to medium speed and knead for about 5 minutes until a smooth dough forms. 然后调至中速,继续揉搓搅拌大约5分钟直到面团匀滑。
Then take a 3 km stroll down a beautiful lake path to the most impressive castle in Switzerland, Chateau of Chillon. 通过一条美丽的湖畔径道,步行3公里就到达令人印象深刻的瑞士夏兰古堡。

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