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Far from the battle-lines, the town and its railroads provided the connecting link between the two armies of the Confederacy, the army in Virginia and the army in Tennessee and the West.

Far from losing money, he can hardly count his profits. 他哪里是在赔钱,他几乎无法计算其利润呢!
Far from necessarily being used as a weapon against a person, the system does have limitless positive applications. 远远必然被用来作为武器攻击人类,系统有着无限的积极的利用。
Far from praising him,I’ll criticize him. 我不但不会表扬他,反而要批评他。
Far from slipping money quietly under doors, they are forever inviting themselves in to nose around. 他们远不是将钱轻悄悄地放在门下就走,而是始终要不请自入地进屋四下窥探。
Far from subdued, some newspapers and their websites have been airing a lively debate about how far these controls should go. 某些报纸和它们的网站还大张旗鼓的讨论对媒体的限制应该到何种程度。
Far from the battle-lines, the town and its railroads provided the connecting link between the two armies of the Confederacy, the army in Virginia and the army in Tennessee and the West. 由于离前线远,亚特兰大及其铁路充当邦联的两部分军队之间的纽带——一部分在弗吉尼亚州,一部分在田钠西州和西部。
Far from the lonely prairies of the western United States the eerie howl of the coyote can be heard rising at night from the grasslands of Florida. 远离美西荒凉草原的土狼,入夜后在佛罗里达州的大草原上也能够听见它们诡异的啤叫声。
Far from the noisy city, the world famous Badaling will bring you to the world of fairyland, a snow-white and crystal clear world! 远离了城市的尘嚣纷扰,驰名中外的八达岭将您带入一个银装素裹、晶莹剔透的人间仙境!
Far from the sprawl of concrete that keeps crawling its way about 1,000 miles a day? 是要远离那钢筋水泥,逐日疯长的土地?
Far from working hard, he played around. 他非但不用功,反而到处鬼混。
Far gone were the days when a university degree could easily guarantee a job. 过去那种一张大学文凭就能保证一份工作的时代已经一去不复返了。

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