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The problem is often overcome by the use of chilled water or the fitting of a reflux condenser which, via the continued refluxing of vinyl chloride monomer, utilizes its laten heat of evaporation for cooling purposes.

The problem is not easy to understand for the moment. 这个问题不是一下容易解决的。
The problem is not simple; however, that does not mean it is insoluble. 问题并不简单;然而,那并不意味着它是不能解决的。”
The problem is not simply that the Singularity represents the passing of humankind from center stage, but that it contradicts our most deeply held notions of being. 问题并不简单是奇点标志着人类物种走出历史舞台的中心,而是它挑战了我们对于存在这个概念的最深信不疑的想法。
The problem is not that human resource managers tend to belittle the importance of communication; rather, they often fail to think consciously about it. 问题不是人力资源经理倾向于轻视沟通的重要性,而是他们经常不能有意识地考虑它。
The problem is now the second most common cause of accidental death in the United States after motor vehicle accidents. 现在美国药物致死已经成为第二大死亡原因,紧跟摩托致死之后。
The problem is often overcome by the use of chilled water or the fitting of a reflux condenser which, via the continued refluxing of vinyl chloride monomer, utilizes its laten heat of evaporation for cooling purposes. 解决问题的办法是采用冷冻水或安装回流冷凝器,回流冷凝器连续回流氯乙烯单体,利用单体的蒸发潜热冷却反应物料。
The problem is out of my intellect. 这个问题超出我的理解力.
The problem is particularly serious in patients with chronic pulmonary disease, in whom pre-existing respiratory acidosis may be accentuated by another illness or injury. 慢性肺部病变患者的呼吸性酸中毒情况由为严重,因为在这些患者中,先前存在的呼吸性酸中毒可因其它疾病或损伤而加重。
The problem is particularly worrisome along the coast because the microbes pollute shellfish beds and areas used for recreation. 这种现象在海岸地区特别令人忧心,因为这些微生物会污染贝类养殖场及旅游区。
The problem is partly one of age. 实习的问题一部分出自年龄方面。
The problem is quite plain to us. 那问题对我们相当浅显。

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