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89 Mind your step,it is slippery outdoors.

886 The pianos in the other shop will be cheaper,but not as good. 另一家店的钢琴会更便宜,但质量却没这家的好.
887 To e ure faster delivery, you are asked to forward the order by air freight. 为了确保迅速交货,我方要求此订货用空运。
887 To ensure faster delivery, you are asked to forward the order by air freight. 为了确保迅速交货,我方要求此订货用空运。
89 By what time should I check in? 我该什么时间办理登机手续呢?
89 Improve the system of public servants. 健全公务员制度.
89 Mind your step,it is slippery outdoors. 当心脚下,外面路滑。
89 The weatherman says,:the highest temperature during the day will be twenty one degrees centigrade(21℃). 天气预报员说:今天白天最高气温为摄氏温度二十一度。
89 server A client process exited abnormally, or a network error was encountered. Unless other errors occurred, continue processing normally. 各位大侠请帮忙分析一下是不是网络的问题,谢谢了!1608错误很多时候就是网络问题,看你的情况,一定是了谢谢!
89 would be hetero***ual, 11 would be homo***ual. 89人是异性恋者,11人是同性恋者.
89 would be heterosexual, 11 would be homosexual. 89人是异性恋者,11人是同性恋者.
890 Since we need the goods urgently, we must i ist on expre shipment. 由于我方急需这批货物,我方坚持使用快递装运。

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