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The area around the blowhole is also particularly sensitive and captive animals often object strongly to being touched there.

The are charging the major with instigating revolt. 对于少校的指控是鼓动叛乱。
The are no batteries in the radio. 收音机里没电池。
The are not aware of that this kind of habit will bother others in public. 他们没有意识到这种习惯会在公共场合干扰别人.
The are putting up several new buildings in that block. 他们正在那个街区建造几座新大楼。
The area I live in has been having a blackout for the past few days. 我住的区域过去几天以来一直都停电。
The area around the blowhole is also particularly sensitive and captive animals often object strongly to being touched there. 通气孔周围也很敏感并且捕获的动物强烈的反抗碰触这个位置。
The area by the city moat, the suburbs and the broad grassland of the newly built residential areas in Beijing are all suitable for flying kites. 护城河边,郊区,北京新建的小区绿地面积也很大,都适合放风筝。
The area can easily be worked out if you know the length and breadth. 如果你知道长度和宽度的话,计算面积就很容易了。
The area can easily be worked out if you know the length and the breadth. 如果你知道长度和宽度的话,计算面积就很容易了。
The area circles the tree and this called a girdle.the girdling process weakens the trees.it makes them easier targets for borer and shows if the insects are nearby.efforts to stop the spread of the emerald ash borer include cutting down affected trees.A 这个地方是围绕着树一周,这个叫做围绕.围绕的过程削弱了树的抵抗性.这个是它们变成一个更加简单的目标并且如果昆虫靠近的话它就会显示和出来.阻止灰虫传播的努力包括砍伐被感染的树木.一个在马里兰的树农,比如说,最近面临着数百树木的损失.有人担心如果灰虫侵入不得到控制的话灰树会消失.
The area consists of three Chinese-style arches, a stone lion and a pagoda. 这个地区包括三座中式牌楼、一只石狮和一座宝塔。

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