In only four years as a physicist at Bell Laboratories, Schon, 32, had co-authored 90 scientific papers—one every 16 days—detailing new discoveries in superconductivity, lasers, nanotechnology and quantum physics. |
中文意思: 32岁的舍恩曾是贝尔实验室的物理学家,在短短4年间,他却与人合作撰写了90篇科技论文——每16天一篇——这些论文详尽阐述了他在超导、激光、纳米技术和量子物理学方面的最新发现。 |
In one, equiaxed dendrites form and subsequently ripen into more-or-less spheroidal shape, suitable for forming.
一个是先形成由等轴晶粒构成的晶枝体,再熟化形成类似的球状体。 |
In one, government researchers found that an injection of a powerful anesthetic drug di olved feelings of de air in a small group of severely depre ed patients in a matter of hours, and that the effect lasted for up to a week in some participants.
第一项是政府的研究人员发现,给小部分重症抑郁症患者注射强效麻醉剂可以在大约1小时内缓解他们的绝望情绪;对于某些患者,这种效果甚至可以持续一个礼拜。 |
In one, government researchers found that an injection of a powerful anesthetic drug dissolved feelings of despair in a small group of severely depressed patients in a matter of hours, and that the effect lasted for up to a week in some participants.
第一项是政府的研究人员发现,给小部分重症抑郁症患者注射强效麻醉剂可以在大约1小时内缓解他们的绝望情绪;对于某些患者,这种效果甚至可以持续一个礼拜。 |
In one, the client sits on a server of its own and commands a network file server to back up to a locally attached storage device.
其中一个就是,客户位于自己的服务器上,并命令网络文件服务器备份到本地连接的存储设备。 |
In one, you take a position on an issue and support your position with arguments.
就第一篇所给文章提出观点并写出相应的论据。 |
In only four years as a physicist at Bell Laboratories, Schon, 32, had co-authored 90 scientific papers—one every 16 days—detailing new discoveries in superconductivity, lasers, nanotechnology and quantum physics.
32岁的舍恩曾是贝尔实验室的物理学家,在短短4年间,他却与人合作撰写了90篇科技论文——每16天一篇——这些论文详尽阐述了他在超导、激光、纳米技术和量子物理学方面的最新发现。 |
In only six - Indonesia, Mongolia, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Thailand - did it narrow over the period in question.
只有在印度尼西亚、蒙古、马来西亚、哈萨克斯坦、亚美尼亚和泰国这一差距没有拉大。 |
In ontology studying, We can reveal the original meanings of the educational activities fundamentally.
摘要从本体论出发探讨教育活动的本源意义,可以看出教育的本质是一种自我建构性的实践活动。 |
In opening an account of B-type foreign currency deposits, the depositor shall present his or her passport, the residence certificate or other valid credentials for all foreigners or Chinese of foreign nationalities.
开立乙种外币存款账户时,外籍储户可凭其护照,居民证明或其他有效身份证件。 |
In opening an account of C-type foreign currency deposits, the depositor shall present his or her ID card or other valid credentials.
开立丙种外币存款账户时,储户可凭其护照,居民证明或其他有效身份证件。 |
In opening up to the outside world, China aims at vigorously and constructively carrying out exchanges and cooperation with countries in the Asia-Pacific and elsewhere in the world with a view to achieving common development.
中国的对外开放,就是要以建设性的姿态,积极开展同亚太区域和世界各国的交流与合作,促进共同发展。 |