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Apoplast is an important compartment outside of plasma membrane of the plant cell and is the source of various primary signals.

Apologize when you offend a friend. 当你冒犯某个朋友后,要道歉。
Apologize when you realize you are wrong. An apology never diminishes a person. It elevates them. Don't blow your own horn. If you do something praiseworthy, someone will eventually notice. 意识到自己错了就道歉。勇于道歉只会抬高你自己,丝毫不会贬低你。别自我吹嘘,假如你做出什么值得称赞的事情,终会有人知道。
Apologize./Please accept my apology. 我道歉。∕请接受我的道歉。
Apologizing and swearing that things will be different from now on? 道歉,并且发誓情况以后一定不同?
Apoplast The system of cell walls and intercellular material extending through a plant body and along which water containing mineral salts, etc. can move passively. 质外体:指整个植物体的细胞壁系统,矿质元素可以沿着它们自由的移动。
Apoplast is an important compartment outside of plasma membrane of the plant cell and is the source of various primary signals. 摘要细胞质膜以外的质外体是植物细胞的重要组成部分,质外体是植物细胞的重要信号源和细胞器。
Apoptosis is a more orderly process of cell death in which there is individual cell necrosis, not necrosis of large numbers of cells. 细胞凋亡是一种程序性细胞死亡,属于单个细胞死亡,而不是大量细胞死亡。
Apoptosis is an ordered process, numerous molecules and approaches are involved in its initiation. 凋亡是个井然有序的过程,大量的分子和途径参与了细胞凋亡发生。
Apoptosis or Necrosis, Should Which be Expected for Tumor Cells? 期望肿瘤细胞凋亡还是坏死?
Apoptosis plays an important role in health by eliminating aged cells, unnecessary cells, and unhealthy cells. 细胞的程序性死亡通过减少衰老和不健康的细胞,从而对人体额健康起了重要的作用。
Apoptosis plays an important role in survival of multicellular organism. 摘要细胞凋亡在保证多细胞生物的健康生存过程中扮演著关键的角色。

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