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As silo is required and it is not convenient for receiver and launcher installation and pig disassembly, underground installation is not adopted now.

As shown on the picture, Indian schoolchildren riding a rickshaw back home. 图为印度儿童乘人力车回家的情景。
As shown on the schematic drawing on the right, the closing member (stem and disc assembly) of the Figure 85 or 90M Frostproof Sillcock operates by turning the handle in a clockwise manner to close and counter-clockwise to open. 正如右侧示意图所示,型号85或90M防冻洒水龙头上最靠近的部件(阀杆和阀瓣总成),是通过顺时针方向旋转手柄来实现旋转关闭和逆时针方向旋转开启。
As shown, pressure increases both at the die and in front of the screen system may be 50% to 160% higher than typical operating pressure for higher usage levels. 如上所示,在大剂量使用扩链剂时,在模头和滤网系统前端的压力可能估比通常的操作压力高出50%到160%。
As silicon is the most important semiconductor material in micro-electronic field, one-dimensional nano-structures of silicon play an important role in the fields of device assembly, nanometer-size magnetic device, photoelectronics, and have drawn wide in 摘要作为微电子领域最重要的半导体材料,硅的一维纳米结构在器件组装、纳米尺寸磁性器件、光电子等领域具有重要的作用,已经成为国际上材料科学研究的一个热点。
As silk garment is in great demand, we do not usually grant any discount unless you place an order for more than$50000. 由于丝绸服装大量需求,我们一般不给任何折扣,除非订购额超过50000美元。
As silo is required and it is not convenient for receiver and launcher installation and pig disassembly, underground installation is not adopted now. 地下需设发射井,收发球筒及装卸清管器均不方便,现已不采用。
As similar male borrow(-er), she says, (will) reinvest only 60 cents. 而相似的男性借款人,将只会投资60美分。
As single source supplier and system integrator, it combines in its transportation systems business seg-ments Automation &Power, Rolling Stock, Turnkey Systems and Integrated Services all the expertise neces-sary to cover the spectrum from signaling and c 作为全套系统供应商和系统集成商,西门子交通技术集团的四大业务部门——自动化与供电,机车车辆,交钥匙系统和综合服务,其产品范围涵盖了从信号与控制系统到牵引供电,以及城轨、市郊和铁路干线运输车辆的各个领域。
As slices of succulent meat are cut from the bird, my stomach growls with anticipation. 把火鸡切开,一片一片饱含鲜肉汁的火鸡,另到我的胃部极度难忍。
As smart bombs rained down with pinpoint precision on Iraqi command centers, weapons storage depots and other facilities, it became clear that fixed military assets on the surface were extremely vulnerable to American aerial assault. 当精灵炸弹以极高的精准度如下雨般落在伊拉克指挥中心、武器储藏库和其他基地上时,固定的地面军事设施显然已经完全无法逃过美军的空中攻击。
As smoke is blown away by the wind, may you blow them away; as wax melts before the fire, may the wicked perish before God. 2他们被驱逐,如烟被风吹散。恶人见神之面而消灭,如蜡被火熔化。

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