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The enamel of his teeth is very white.

The emulator stops only when a condition changes from false to true, ie. it does not permanently break after each opcode if the condition stays true for a while. 调试器只有在一个条件正确时才会终止。断点不会在一直存在,在执行操作后就会消失。
The enabled body may not re-delegate its authority to any other body. 被授权机关不得将该项权力转授给其他机关。
The enactment of Civil Code affords a rare chance for the improvement of invalid marriage institution in China. 民法典的制定为完善我国的婚姻家庭(亲属)制度提供了难得的机遇。
The enactment states that... 法律规定....
The enamel of her teeth is very white. 她牙齿的珐琅质很白。
The enamel of his teeth is very white. 他牙齿的珐琅质很白。
The encampment will be established in Peking and Kunming respectively. 二,营地分别设在北京与昆明.
The encapsulation frame-relay command is assigned to the physical interface. All other configuration items, such as the network layer address and DLCIs, are assigned to the subinterface. 概括的讯框中继指令被指定到实体介面.其他的设定都被分配到子介面,像是网路层位址和资料链结连接识别码。
The enchanter is very mysterious. 魔法师非常神秘。
The encircling mass of firm adenocarcinoma in this colon at the left is typical for adenocarcinomas arising in the descending colon. 左侧显示结肠坚硬腺癌的浸润性包块,是发生在降结肠的典型的腺癌。
The enclosed area is filled only if that imaginary line crosses an odd number of boundary lines. 封闭区域只在如果想象的线与边界线的奇数数量交叉时才被填充。

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