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In the bazaar, there were 20 or 30 stalls old villager set up, half of the goods were dried potatoes and carrots with beards like old man, also chilli flour mixed a lot of kaoliang hull was sold.

In the basis of general situation of the forage enterprise in our country were introduced, this paper systemic enunciate some problem that have exist in our country's bankbook account management, and then the author pay more attention to discuss the count 文章在简要地介绍了我国饲料企业对存折户应用概况的基础上,系统地阐述了存折户管理中存在的主要问题,并重点论证了加强饲料企业存折户管理的对策和建议。
In the basis of respecting history and scientist facts, a combination of interesting stories, beautiful scenes and vivid characters did dream up a classic cartoon movie putting knowledge together with brilliant-narration. 在尊重史实、尊重科学的基础上,用生动有趣的故事、恢弘优美的场景和个性鲜明的人物打造出一部将知识性和观赏性高度融合的动画片精品。
In the basketball game, shooting the ball is the important means to get a goal, which is also a core technique within the basketball tournament; the higher hit rate guarantee the triumph of the match. 摘要篮球比赛中,投篮是得分的重要手段,也是篮球技术的核心技术,较高的投篮命中率是取得比赛胜利的重要保证。
In the bathtub you can relax and lie while taking a bath. 在浴缸里洗澡时你可以躺下并放松。
In the battle for existence, talent is the punch, and tact is the clever footwork. 在为生存在斗争场里,才能就是重拳,机智就是巧妙的步法。
In the bazaar, there were 20 or 30 stalls old villager set up, half of the goods were dried potatoes and carrots with beards like old man, also chilli flour mixed a lot of kaoliang hull was sold. 集上有二三十个老农民摆着摊子,多半是一筐筐像老头子一样干瘪多须的土豆和黄萝卜,还有卖掺了很多高粱皮的辣面子的。
In the beautiful bureau my daughter's laughter served for the sauce of the sausage. 在漂亮的办公署,女儿的笑声充当了香肠的调料。
In the beautiful,rich and developed eastern coastal region of our country ,a bright pearl is inlaid. 在美丽富饶、经济发达的中国东部沿海地区,镶嵌着一颗璀璨的明珠,这就是现代化的明星城市—江苏张家港市。
In the beauty spot, all the high-grade wooden villas are hiding in the green cyproess and winding mountains,which can give you natural and earthy feeling. 景区内,高档的挂牌三星的木屋别墅宾馆,让您在其它任何地方也体会不到的返朴归真的感觉!所有的木屋别墅,掩印在青山翠柏之中。
In the bed there is stirrer. It avoid agglomeration of damp material and forming channel flow during drying. 床内设置搅拌,避免了潮湿物料的团聚及干燥过程中形成沟流。
In the bedrooms, there are either double beds or single beds. 卧室里有双人床或单人床。

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