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The guilty criminal got a lifer, he was sentenced to forty years in prison.

The guiding of a horse through a series of complex maneuvers by slight movements of the rider's hands, legs, and weight. 花式骑术引导马通过一系列由骑手的手腿及重量的轻微动作与变化来完成的复杂操纵的骑术
The guiding principles for the protection and preservation of the Bohai resources and environment should include the principle of integrated planning on the use of land and the sea resources; the principle of moderate development and rational environmenta 渤海资源与环境的保护和保全的指导原则应包括:海陆兼顾和统筹安排的原则;适度开发与合理保护的原则;行政和立法管理并重的原则;环境和资源可持续发展的原则。
The guilt of Ephraim is stored up, his sins are kept on record. 12以法莲的罪孽包裹、他的罪恶收藏。
The guilt of the accused man was in doubt. 被告之罪行尚有疑问。
The guilt offering is like the sin offering, there is one law for them; the priest who makes atonement with it shall have it. 利7:7赎罪祭怎样、赎愆祭也是怎样、两个祭是一个条例.献赎愆祭赎罪的祭司、要得这祭物。
The guilty criminal got a lifer, he was sentenced to forty years in prison. 罪犯得到了无期徒刑,他被判了40年监禁。
The guilty criminal got a lifer,he was sentenced to forty years in prison. 那个罪犯肯定要在监狱里面待很久了,他被判刑四十年。
The guilty developer can be identified and harassed without human intervention. 不需要人插手,闯祸的开发人员就被确定和被通知了。
The guitar accompaniment was good. 吉他伴奏得不坏。
The guitar players were equally entertaining. 吉他手同样地有趣着迷。
The guitar used by the former Beatle was bought by CraigJacksonat an auction at the Abbey Road Studios late Friday. 上周五(7月28日),美国收藏家克雷格·杰克逊在著名的伦敦阿比路录音棚拍卖会上买下了前甲克虫成员的这把吉他。

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