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An unobjective being is a nullity—an un-being.

An unmarried woman who has taken religious vows of chastity. 贞女发过宗教誓言保持贞洁的未婚女子
An unmatched trade from a previous day that is resubmitted to the clearing system; trade is submitted \'as of\' the original trade date. 前日未成交的单再被传送到结算系统并保留在原有的交易日。
An unnamed or hypothetical manufactured article. 未定名的主要新产品未命名的或假想的制品
An unnamed source told the paper that about 2 percent of users were being affected. 一个匿名的信息来源告诉报纸大约2%的用户当时被影响了。
An unnecessary repetition of visits need not be allowed. 军事使者无意义的重复造访得拒绝之。
An unobjective being is a nullity—an un-being. 一个无法客体化的存在是空无,也就是不存在。
An unobstructed kick of a stationary ball, as in soccer, especially one awarded when the opposition commits a foul. 在足球比赛中,当一方球员犯规时,另一方踢罚的无阻挡的定位球。
An unofficial historical perspective became a mode of thinking by which LuXun observed history and reality, thus forming his thinking with unofficial history. 摘要野史视野已经成为鲁迅观察历史和现实的思维方式,从而形成了鲁迅的野史思维。
An unofficial shortlist included a pair of Irish rock stars who have received a lot of attention for trying to promote development in Africa, a Finnish diplomat who works at the UN and who has lobbied for peace in Indonesia and a Vietnamese Buddhist. 和平奖的候选人包括:一对之前备受关注的,促进非洲发展的,民间的爱尔兰摇滚明星;一名在联合国工作的芬兰的外交官为印尼的和平奔走,和一名越南的佛教徒。
An unpaid, overdue debt or an unfulfilled obligation. 欠帐未付的,逾期债款或未履行的职责
An unpiloted vehicle shows up at the Capital International Airport in Beijing, capital of China, June 25, 2007. 6月25日拍摄的首都机场旅客捷运系统“小火车”车厢内景。

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