The hi-tech bubble burst in 2000 was attributed to the high burn rate incurred by IT upstarts.
2000年所出现的高科技泡沫爆破是因为某些资讯科技新贵在公司成立时投资损耗过高。 |
The hi-tech project introduced in 1995, the production line of titanium coating,makes the company more competitive with the products of titanium coated stainless steel furniture,such as beds ,chairs ,etc,and building materials and works of art with titani
公司一直注重用质量保证体系和内部管理体制建设,使轴承套圈与钛金系列产品的选料、开发、设计与每道工艺都得到程序标准的控制。 |
The hiatus will therefore take place as planned, but over three days rather than four.
交易中断还是会像先前计划的一样发生,但只有三天而非以前所认为的四天。 |
The hiberarchy information is hidden into the relation table data.
将层次结构信息隐藏在关系表的数据中。 |
The hidden Immunity Idol stirs distrust among tribemates.
隐藏的豁免象激起部落个成员的不信任。 |
The hidden burden refers to the burden associated with stigma and violations of human rights and freedoms. Again, this burden is difficult to quantify.
潜在的负担指对***和自由的侵犯,这种负担同样也不能量化。 |
The hidden cavity is one of the key problems for safety mining.
摘要隐患空区是矿山安全、高效开采过程中迫切需要解决的难题之一。 |
The hidden division is subdivided into individuals.
隐藏的师被细分为个体. |
The hidden savings seem to be accumulating with time, as the average sum was four million yen for housewives in their 50s, nearly three times as much as the 1.46 million yen for those in their 20s.
调查显示,日本主妇的私房钱大都是长年累月积攒下来的,20几岁年龄段主妇的私房钱平均为146万日元,而50岁左右年龄段的主妇为400万日元,大约是前者的3倍。 |
The hide and show functionality has been revised to reduce ambiguity and confusion.
隐藏/显示功能已作修改,减低了模糊混乱的效果。 |
The hierarch asked one disciple to hire a kiln man.
他们的教主就叫徒弟到市上去雇请一个窑工来造。 |