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Have I been a waste land to Israel?

Have 2 children come to the front and introduce each other with the teachers help. Do this with other children. 让2个小朋友来到教室的前面,老师帮助他们互相做介绍。与其他的小朋友做同样的练习。
Have 4 monkeys, the first covers the eye was lost sight of, the 2nd covers mouth did not talk, the 3rd stems ear is inaudible, the 4th grasps a mobile phone laugh. 有四只猴子,第一只捂住眼睛看不见了,第二只捂住嘴巴不说话了,第三只堵住耳朵听不见了,第四只握着手机笑了。
Have Brad fax a copy of his passbook to 02...2312...3535. 叫布莱德传真一份他的存折影本到02-2312-3535。
Have Canada and the United States ever been at war with each other? 加拿大与美国之间是否曾经彼此交战呢?
Have Doubts That Mind-Altering Radio Waves Work? 怀疑过精神改变无线电波工作着吗?
Have I been a waste land to Israel? 我岂向以色列作旷野呢?
Have I been a wilderness unto Israel? 我岂向以色列作旷野呢。
Have I ever been accustomed to do so to you? 我素常向你这样行过麽.巴兰说没有。
Have I ever claimed the opposite? 我从来没有说我很了解中国的情况.
Have I ever feared it? (长这么大)我害怕过吗?
Have I ever left behind any gossamer traces at all? 我何曾留着象游丝样的痕迹呢?

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