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Qui-Gon took a sip and nodded approvingly. It's very good.

Qui Veut Gagner Des Millions? 谁想做百万富翁?
Qui est premier ministre au Canada? 加拿大总理是谁?
Qui est-ce ? 这是谁?
Qui-Gon Jinn might not be there to free them, but there was nothing coincidental about his coming here and meeting Anakin. 奎刚-金也许不是来解放他们的,但他的到来以及他和安纳金的相遇也远不止巧合那么简单。
Qui-Gon approached slowly, with just enough deliberate rustling so as not to startle her. She turned her head, and moved aside on the step as he approached. 奎刚慢慢走近她,尽量放轻步子以免惊吓着她。她转过头看见了他,于是往一旁挪了挪。
Qui-Gon took a sip and nodded approvingly. It's very good. 奎刚呡了一小口,满意地点头,“味道非常好。”
Quick Turn PCB Manufacturer Manufacturer of Double-Sided PCB or multiplayer Nickel Gold PCB(2~20 Layers) Carbon Paint HALSingle-Sided PCB Flexible PCB(FPC) Gold finger and various kinds of PCBs From China. 以印刷电路板(PCB)产品生产、经营为主,主要生产单面线路板,双面线路板,多层线路板(2~12层),柔性线路板(FPC)等印刷电路板.
Quick analysis is a way to avoid the measurement trapbecause it focuses attention on the important components of a decision rather than the easily quantifiable ones. 快速分析是一种可以避免测量陷阱的方法,因为它关注决策的重要组成部分,而不是关注那些容易测量的因素。
Quick and efficient elimination the toxic air and protect health of workers and working environment. 高效快速消除毒气,保障工人的健康及工作环境。
Quick and frequent cutting for a few sets of capacitors shall be carried out, of which the factors of electric power shall be maitained in optimum condition so as to minimize the line loss, increase effective output capacity of distrubuting transformer an 对多组电容器进行快速而频繁的投切,使受电功率因数始终保持在最佳状态,从而最大限度地降低线路损耗和增加配电变压器的有效输出容量,优化用电质量。
Quick as a wink, the lame mouse snatched up the precious talisman. 说时迟那时快,跛足的老鼠一把抓住宝贵的法宝。

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