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This is all perfectly sensible, but not all of Luce's arguments are rock solid.

This is all about the Priests - the Magicians - the Trickster - the Myths and Metaphors. 这都关于祭司——魔法师——骗子——神话和隐喻。
This is all done to the sound of certain chanted words and esoteric phrases, called mantrams. 这一切都是为了某些圣歌字词和深奥习语而完成,就称为咒语。
This is all important because the light intensity will directly affect the quality and yield of your crop. 这全都很重要,因为光的强度将直接影响到你的作物的质和量。
This is all in all you should pay attention to. 这是头等重要的东西你要注意.
This is all part of the creational blueprint of humanity created by the geometry. 这是由几何学创造的人类创造性蓝图计划的所有部分。
This is all perfectly sensible, but not all of Luce's arguments are rock solid. 这些建议都相当合理,但卢斯的观点并非全都不可辨驳。
This is all staff meeting. 这是一次全体会议。
This is all thanks to God. 这是对上帝的所有谢谢)。
This is all the more important because these products of human consciousness, by their very nature, present themselves as full-blown and inevitable totalities. 这些源于人类天性意识的产物非常重要,因其呈现出他们自己是不可或缺的整体。
This is all the object does to communicate. 这就是所有对象进行通信的方式。
This is all the second launch since the Columbia tragedy in 2003. 这是自2003年的哥伦比亚号灾难后的第二次发射。

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