The two typist have already worked away all day.
这两位打字员已经工作一整天了。 |
The two varieties of trees are planted in pairs at regular intervals all along the causeway.
堤上遍植桃柳两种树木,而且间株桃树间株柳。 |
The two version must be identical , the agreement will be invaild if any discrepancy occured.
两个版本的内容完全一致,如出现任何不一致,此协议将无效。 |
The two vertical fins on the nose, around 40 cm high, give the car an unconventional look, but fall within regulations regarding bodywork height.
两片位于鼻锥,直立大约40公分高的鳍让这辆车有著非传统的外观,但是并不违反关于车体高度的规定。 |
The two village cultural rejuvenations are in nature the seeking of the ethnic group-identity, cultural identification and self-identity by the minority groups with their own cultures in the context of modernity.
从本质上看,这两次村寨文化复兴都是民族文化持有者对现代性语境下的族群身份、文化归属、自我认同等所进行的努力与追求。 |
The two villages are three miles apart.
这两个村子相距三英里。 |
The two wall jets collide with each other and turn upward to form an upwash fountain which increases the lift force of the upper plate.
包围在喷射流与喷泉流附近的流体会被其带入而在周围形成数个涡流。 |
The two weavers were cheats out and out.
那两个织工是彻头彻尾的骗子。 |
The two were also utterly different in their values: the ultimate goal of the former was to hold official positions by taking imperial examinations, while the latter regarded earning money as its primary choice.
价值取向也迥然有别:读书仕进是徽商的终极追求,而经商谋利是晋商的第一选择。 |
The two were easily conflated.
两人很容易混在一起. |
The two were of the firm belief that only through promotion of European unification could each of the European countries' respective economies undergo sustained development, the animus and clashes between Germany and France be dispelled, and a lasting pea
他们两人坚信唯有促成欧洲的统一才能持续发展欧洲各国的经济,化解德国与法国之间的仇恨与冲突,并且建立欧洲大陆的永久和平。 |