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Pemember what life tells you.

Pele was in a class of his own as a footballer. 贝利是举世无双的足球健将.
Pelican - Devoted and self-sacrificing charity. 鹈鹕-奉献与自我牺牲的慈善精神。
Pelosi, the San Francisco congresswoman who currently serves as House minority leader, is expected to become speaker when the new Congress meets in January. 派乐希是旧金山的一名女议员,现在是众议院中少数派的领导人,在一月份即将举行的新议会的会议中,她将有可能出任议会的发言人。
Pelvic lipomatosis is a rare disease by excessive proliferation of the mature fat in the pelvic extraperitoneal space. 摘要骨盆腔脂肪增多症是一种成熟的脂肪在骨盆腔中过度增生的罕见疾病。
Pelvis long and in females especially broad. 雌性的骨盆长,而且非常宽。
Pemember what life tells you. 谨记生活的教训.
Pemphigus vulgaris is an autoimmune vesiculobullous disease of the skin and the mucous membrane, it most commonly involves the population of the fifth and sixth decades, and is extremely rare in children. 摘要寻常性天疱疮是一种皮卢黏膜的自体免疫性水疱性疾病,它最常影响中年人,而且是獐极少见的疾病。
Pen - Emblematic of the liberal art of writing and of learned employments. 钢笔-对文艺自由思想的鼓吹。
Pen and ink is wit's plough. 笔墨是智慧之犁。
Pen attributes are: pen colour, pen style, pen width. 钢笔属性包括:钢笔颜色、钢笔样式、钢笔线条宽度。
Pen had passed a few days at his uncle's lodgings before they set out for Oxbridge. 来牛津和剑桥之前,潘在叔父的寓所盘桓了几天。

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