When a single toll road is built by different transportation departments or run by different road management enterprises, toll gates of which should be built in a unified and rational manner according to the principle of unified collection and proportiona
同一收费公路由不同的交通主管部门组织建设或者由不同的公路经营企业经营的,应当按照“统一收费、按比例分成”的原则,统筹规划,合理设置收费站。 |
When a smoker gives up nicotine their metabolism will start to slow down, as their body returns to its normal healthy state.
当吸烟者停止吸烟,由于他们的身体回到正常的健康状态,他们的新陈代谢将会放缓。 |
When a soccer ball roaring through the air seamlessly morphs into a ball of flame, then a flaming panther, you know youre watching a master.
当你见到一个足球好似黑豹一样咆哮划过天际的时候,你就知道你见到了一个高人。 |
When a sperm whale is sick, it many produce a fatty substance called ambergris.
当抹香鲸生病时,它会产生出一种脂肪物质,被称为龙涎香。 |
When a spider wants to travel long distances, it simply casts out a strand of silk, captures the breeze and fliesaway.
当蜘蛛要长途旅行,它就吐出一条长丝,乘着微风“飞”去。 |
When a storage pool has only one mount point (that is, just one drive) available to it through the device class, data cannot be reclaimed from one volume to another within that same storage pool.
当一个存储池只有一个挂接点(也就是只有一个驱动器)可用到这个设备类,在同一个存储池里的数据不能被回收从一个卷到另一个卷。 |
When a string is returned, it is expected to be the logical name of a page (as opposed to the page's fully qualified class name).
当返回一个字符串时,该字符串应该是页面的逻辑名(不是页面的类全名)。 |
When a student does badly in exam, where does the fault lies? The student? The teacher? Or the parents?
当一位学生考试不及格时,责任应该归咎于谁呢?是学生?老师?还是家长? |
When a suicidal hotel guest declares his life-ending intentions, Danny and Ed race to stop him from taking a flying leap off of the Montecito.
今晚《拉斯维加斯》有旅客突然在房间内留字,表示要寻死,丹尼及狄老大见字,马上透过闭路电视找出这名旅客的下落。 |
When a swimmer slows and then finally applies forces there are stages of slowing down (the correct term is negative acceleration not deceleration) and speeding up (the correct term is positive acceleration not acceleration).
当游泳运动员慢下来然后增加力量以求得继续前进时会有不同的阶段,这就是减速阶段(正确用语是负加速度而非减速)和加速阶段(正确用语是正加速度而非加速)。 |
When a tarantula which ha's benen injected with a special nutrient formula escapes from a scientist's laboratory it grows into a 100-foot beast that menaces the Arizona countryside.
当一只塔兰图拉毒蛛被注射了特别营养素后,它从科学家实验室逃了出来,生长成100英尺,对亚利桑那州的居民造成威胁。 |