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Such a simplified dressed wave function is useful in the calculation of laser-assisted scattering, especially in the laser-assisted rearrangement collisions.

Such a serious crime must not go unpunished. 这种严重罪行不可不受惩罚.
Such a settlement might not bring an immediate and perpetual end to the bombings, but it would dispel the murk of ambiguity where terrorism thrives and ordinary citizens lose their lives pointlessly. 这样的解决可能不会即刻而永久地终结爆炸事件,但将驱散那些恐怖主义不断壮大而普通百姓白白丧命的地区的暗昧阴沉。
Such a shop will be in a small town and in a wooden building and not a mall therefore avoiding the pitfalls of mall existence. 这样一个店将在小镇上一间木制的房子里而不是商厦中,因此可以避免商厦的缺陷(译注:指电性或辐射性的伤害)。
Such a signal can be transmitted with high fidelity and has the haracteristics of an ideal information carrier. 该信号可以高保真地在光纤中传输,具有理想信息载体的特性。
Such a significant change is attributable, to a great extent, to China's reform and opening-up. 之所以会发生如此巨大的变化,很大程度上得益于中国的改革开放。
Such a simplified dressed wave function is useful in the calculation of laser-assisted scattering, especially in the laser-assisted rearrangement collisions. 此波函数适用于计算激光辅助的散射过程,特别是重排过程。
Such a situation destine I can't reach high goal very , what undertaking does it can't achieve either. 这样的情况注定我不会达到很高的目标,也不会成就什么事业。
Such a situation esecially calls for calm and patience. 这种情况下特别要求(我们)头脑冷静,有耐心.
Such a slight initial revaluation is unlikely to do much to slow China's fast-expanding economy. 如此小的升值不太可能减缓中国飞速扩张的经济。
Such a slow compre ion carries the gas through a series of states. each of which is very nearly an equilibrium state and it is called a quasi-static or anearly staticproce . 这样的缓慢压缩能使这种气体经历一系列的状态,但各状态都很接近于平衡状态,所以叫做准静态过程,或近似稳定过程。
Such a slow compression carries the gas through a series of states. each of which is very nearly an equilibrium state and it is called a quasi-static or anearly staticprocess. 这样的缓慢压缩能使这种气体经历一系列的状态汽车配件但各状态都很接近于平衡状态,所以叫做准静态过程,或近似稳定过程。

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