Known colloquially as the Rock, Gibraltar looms impressively over the Gibraltar strait, the narrow divide between Europe and North Africa and the meeting point of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. |
中文意思: 惯称「岩山」的直布罗陀突出于直布罗陀海峡,这道海峡除了分扼欧洲与北非,也是连接地中海和大西洋的重要门户。 |
Known as the Time of Trial, this period is marked by tidal waves sweeping across the rough seas, the ash and smoke from thousands of volcanoes blotting out the dim fight of Nocturne's sun, and the ground gripped by constant earthquakes.
这样剧烈的运动所达到的力量导致了海水的上涨,无穷无尽的烟尘甚至遮蔽了阳光,地面如同被折裂一般扭动着。 |
Known as the foreign operations bill, the measure contains money for a range of global priorities, from AIDS treatment and prevention, and assistantce to Darfur to peacekeeping and democracy-building.
作为国际事务方案,此方案向一系列的全球优先项目提供所需的资金,从艾滋病的防治到达尔富尔地区的维和行动及民主建设。 |
Known as the museum of Tibetan history, the Potala Palace is a treasure house with a large collection of valuable handicrafts, seals, goldware, jadeware, Buddhism classics, medical, historical and literature books, various Buddhist sculptures, frescoes an
布达拉宫中保存着明清两代皇帝封赐西藏官员的封诰、印鉴、金册、玉册、和工艺品、经文、医学、历史、文学书籍以及各类佛像、壁画、唐卡、法器等大量珍贵文物,是“西藏历史的博物馆”。 |
Known as “book” books of original entry“, journals provide a chronological record of all entity tra actio .
他们现实交易日期、合计数和受交易影响的特别会计帐户。 |
Known as “book” books of original entry“, journals provide a chronological record of all entity transactions.
他们现实交易日期、合计数和受交易影响的特别会计帐户。 |
Known colloquially as the Rock, Gibraltar looms impressively over the Gibraltar strait, the narrow divide between Europe and North Africa and the meeting point of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.
惯称「岩山」的直布罗陀突出于直布罗陀海峡,这道海峡除了分扼欧洲与北非,也是连接地中海和大西洋的重要门户。 |
Known for his swiftness and athleticism, Hermes was given credit for inventing foot-racing and boxing.
赫密士以速度和运动闻名,他又发明了竞走鞋和拳击。 |
Known for its health-giving benefits, especially as a treatment for cystitis in women.
众所周知其对健康的益处,特别对患有膀胱炎的妇女。 |
Known from the ancient time.
在古代就已为人所知。 |
Known in Japan as tancho (red peak), the red-crowned is the second rarest crane species, after the whooping crane, with a world population of fewer than 2,500 birds.
丹顶鹤是世上第二罕见的鹤,仅次于美洲鹤,目前全球幸存数量低于2500只。 |
Known locally as Med-Medan, it allows teenagers of the opposite * to have a snog in public. Although not everyone - like this lady - looks thrilled at the prospect.
巴厘岛的“接吻节”在当地名叫“半棉兰”。节日上,即使是青少年也可以和异性亲吻。当然,并不是所有人都喜欢这一节日,图中的女孩看起来已被热吻的人吓得瑟瑟发抖。 |