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The expiration of contract is coming.

The experts said farm-raised fish should be labeled organic only if they were fed almost completely organic plant food. 专家称渔场养殖的鱼类只有完全由有机植物食物饲养的情况下才能被贴上有机的标签。
The experts said industrial enterprises should develop a stronger sense of social responsibility and give priority to the protection of water quality. 专家们表示,工业企业应该树立更加强烈的社会责任感,把保护水质列为工作重点。
The experts say the easiest way to catch a cold is to touch your nose or eyes after someone nearby has sneezed or coughed, another way to become sick is to eat food prepared by someone whose hands or not clean. 专家说最容易感冒的方法是在周围有人打喷嚏或咳嗽后触摸你自己的鼻子或眼睛,另一种得病的方法是食用手上不干净的人准备的食物。
The experts were engaged from abroad. 这些专家是从国外聘请来的。
The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from? 专家们如今已经完全肯定那只动物就是美洲狮,但它是从哪儿来的呢?
The expiration of contract is coming. 合同快到期了。
The expiry of the Term. And after the term expiry, under the same condition, Party B have precedence right to lease the unit. 承租期届满。承租期届满后,同等条件下,乙方有优先续租权。
The explanation based on the analysis from view of Jurisprudence benefit to understand its causes, its value and its damages to the rule of law. 从法哲学的角度对立法语言中的模糊现象进行阐释,有利于人们正确认识立法语言模糊性的成因、价值及其给法治建设带来的不利之处。
The explanation based on the analysis from view of sociology of benefit to understand its emerging cultural background, its value and its positive and negative effect on the rule of law. 从法社会学的角度对立法语言中的模糊现象进行阐释,有利于人们正确认识立法语言模糊性得以产生的广阔的社会文化背景、形成过程中的社会支持因素和制约机制,以及其对法治建设的积极和消极的影响。
The explanation encompasses business, politics and history, and is in many respects a case study of how these three factors can intertwine with unhealthy consequences in Asia. 对此的解释涉及商业、政治和历史,而且在许多方面可作为一个案例,研究这三个因素是怎样相互纠结,并在亚洲产生不利后果的。
The explanation for the difference ,which is apparent during the teenage years, goes as far back as early childhood experiences. 这种对在青少年时期,相当明显的差异的解释,可以追溯到早期的儿童时代。

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