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After the introductions from the four guests was sign up ,the students all responsed actively and represented galactic passions.

After the interview, the reporter must present the material in an organized way and make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthfully. 采访后,记者一定要提交出组织严密的材料,并确保文章的真实反映事实和舆论。
After the introduction of Islam, the coexistence of diverse religions continued to be the order of the day in Xinjiang, to be joined later by Protestantism and Catholicism. 伊斯兰教传入后,新疆不仅继续维持了多种宗教并存的局面,而且又有基督教、天主教等宗教传入。
After the introduction of basic model for the survey, this paper tries to relaxthe hypothesis of the basic model from such angels as considering the sale services, setting the type of assumed conjecture for rival's price change, transforming the form of c 本文首先给出理论综述的基本模型,从引入销售服务变量,设定零售商的价格猜想类型,改变零售商的竞争方式,考虑信息不对称和交易成本,以及市场的不确定性和需求弹性的变化等多个角度逐次放宽假设条件,归纳出效率改进或反竞争效应两大基本结论。
After the introduction of sanitary water and sewage treatment, the number of cases of cholera quickly diminished. 实行卫生用水与污水处理以后,霍乱病例的数量迅速减少了。
After the introduction of the Internet computers are linked each other to provide connectivity. 随着因特网的进入,计算机之间可以进行互连进行信息的交换。
After the introductions from the four guests was sign up ,the students all responsed actively and represented galactic passions. 四位嘉宾介绍后,报名工作展开,大家的反应都很积极,表现了极大的学术热情。
After the introductions of the four guests was signed up ,the students all responsed actively and appeared galactic passions. 四位嘉宾介绍后,报名工作展开,大家的反应都很积极,表现了极大的学术热情。
After the introductions we immediately got down to business and reached an agreement within an hour. 开场白以后我们马上讨论实质问题,一个小时内便达成了协议。
After the investigation to the history of the human reason development and the Neo-classicism architecture, the conclusion is drawn that the Neo-classicism architecture expresses the further cognizance of architectural reason under the background of human 该文通过时人类理性发展及新古典主义建筑的历史考察,提出在近代理性认识变化的思想背景下,新古典主义建筑表达了人们对建筑理性的进一步认识,并阐释其在建筑作品中的表现方式。
After the jump: how the NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular has nothing to do with/all to do with the Falun Gong, the ubiquity of sequins throughout 5000 years of Chinese cultural history, plus -- pictures galore! 在降临之后,整台晚会似乎就和法轮功毫无联系,但又可以说息息相关,似乎它贯穿了整个中国5000年的文明历史,外加多彩的画面。
After the ladies had left and the men got their clothes back on, the American and the Japanese asked the Chinese why he covered his face rather than his private part. 当他们经过一个开放的地方﹐迎面来著一群女仕﹐在没有机会穿回衣服的情况下﹐美国人及日本人把双手挡在身体重要部份上﹐中国人则以双手遮面﹐三人同时拼命地跑。

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