Violation of filial piety, The first of a hundred virtues,sometimes was punished by death within the clan.
原注二:“白善孝为先”,不孝之罪有时候是严重到可以用家法处死的。 |
Violation of paragraph 1 of Article 6 hereof by engaging in the business of delivering letters, postcards or other correspondence.
一违反第六条第一项规定,以递送信函、明信片或其他具有通信性质文件为营业者。 |
Violation of paragraph 2 of Article 6 hereof by delivering mail items other than notices related to shipment.
二违反第六条第二项规定,递送与货物有关通知以外之邮件者。 |
Violation of the rule may cause the user to be excluded from the mailing list.
违反此一规定者,将会被移除于此一邮寄服务. |
Violation of the terms of a capitulation by individuals is punishable as a war crime.
个人若违反投降协定之规定则应受战犯的处罚。 |
Violations concerning inadequate documentation are serious and should be handled as such.
与文件不足有关的违反问题是严重的并且应按此处理。 |
Violations more than tripled by August 2006.
违规在2006年八月时上涨了超过三倍。 |
Violations of other Customs control regulations contained in this Law that result in failure or suspension of Customs control over inbound and outbound means of transport, goods and articles.
(十二)违反本法关于海关监管的其他规定,致使海关不能或者中断对进出境运输工具、货物、物品实施监管的。 |
Violators can be fined up to 50 pounds.
触法者最高可罚50英镑。 |
Violence /assault is the second most common cause of TBI in young adults.
年轻人中暴力,枪击等占脑外伤的第二位。 |
Violence against women, including imposition of a coercive birth limitation policy that resulted in instances of forced abortion and forced sterilization, continued to be a problem, as did prostitution.
针对妇女的暴力行为(包括实行强制性的限制生育政策,有时导致强制堕胎和强制绝育)、卖淫仍然是继续存在的问题。 |