There might be something in that, but I suspect Jose Mourinho's thinking is a bit more complex.
我们旧的阵形运作的如此流畅,能不能改回我们习惯的阵形呢,如果可以那真的太感谢了? |
There might even be a bid from China.
也许中国的厂商会一试身手。 |
There month calibration markings around to record your every cleaning time.
周围还有月份刻度标记,记录你每次清洗的时间。 |
There must ba less empty talk and more hard work.
一定要少说空话,多做工作。 |
There must be Procedures to define the Quality Status in use at each Site, and these must include as a minimum approved, Quarantined, and rejected.
必须有规程定义(物料)在使用场所的质量状态,质量状态至少必须是批准、待验或拒收。 |
There must be a break in the circuit.
电路中一定有断路. |
There must be a break in the circuit.
一定是线路出了问题。 |
There must be a catch somewhere.
这里面有蹊跷。 |
There must be a happy medium somewhere between being totally informed and blissfully unaware.
无所不知与幸福地无知之间,一定有适得其所的中间地。 |
There must be an angel with a smile on he* **ce,
她有天使般的笑容, |
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
她有天使般的笑容, |