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The Magazine of Economic Affairs.

The Maestro bangs his hands and head into the floor and crumbles into dust. The wind sweeps the rest of him away. The Villagers look sad and the kids cry. 『迈斯卓突然猛地将脑袋撞在地上,渐渐变成了尘粉,一阵风将他剩下的部分吹走了,镇民们看上去非常伤心,孩子们开始哭泣。』
The Maestro grabs his skin by the eyes and mouth and pulls it out. 『迈斯卓抓住自己眼睛旁边和嘴胡乱扯开。
The Maestro lifts the boy off the other boy's shoulders. 『迈斯卓把男孩从另一个男孩的肩膀上抱下来。』
The Maestro snaps and points at her. She stops talking. 『迈斯卓对她打了个响指,她立刻不说话了。』
The Mafia hired a hit man to go after the key-witness in the trial. 黑手党雇佣了一名职业杀手去追杀一名法庭上的重要证人。
The Magazine of Economic Affairs. 经济事务杂志》发表经济问题研究论文和实例分析文章,涉及经济理论、工商业、社会政策、国际政治和金融等。兼载经济学家访问记及书评。
The Magdalene became a symbol of repentance for the vanities of the world, and Mary Magdalene was the patron of Magdalene College, Cambridge (pronounced maudlin, as in weepy penitents). 抹大拉成为一个在空虚的世界上悔改的标记,玛丽亚抹大拉是剑桥大学抹大拉学院的赞助者(读作“抹大莲”,就像眼泪汪汪的悔改者一样)。
The Mage is a very important and helpful party member. 法师在团队中是非常重要而有帮助的成员。
The Magellanic Clouds are irregular galaxies of this type. 麦哲伦星云就是这种类型的不规则星系。
The Magi saw a celestial marker - a star Isis the Star Sirius - a feminine archetype of creation. 魔法师(占星家)看了天上的记号——伊希斯星或者称为天狼星——一种创世的女性原型。
The Magi were likely involved in its practice. 祭司很可能涉及到这场实践中。

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