And unit tests can give you the confidence to do large-scale refactoring... even if you didn't write the original code.
并且单元测试给了你大规模重组重构的信心......就算还没写源代码既便没写出原有的代码也是这样。 |
And unleavened bread, and cakes unleavened tempered with oil, and wafers unleavened anointed with oil: of wheaten flour shalt thou make them.
2无酵饼和调油的无酵饼,与抹油的无酵薄饼,这都要用细麦面作成。 |
And unless the sound is coming from directly ahead or behind (or directly above or below), it reaches one ear before the other, so there is a time lag between the two signals.
而且,除非声音直接来自正前方或正后方(或正上方与正下方),否则会较早抵达其中一耳,因此两耳接收到讯息的时间会有些许差异。 |
And unless they're at a flea market or a yard sale, they don't bother trying to bargain.
在美国,除非是跳蚤市场或是旧货大拍卖,否则人们不会费事去讨价还价的。 |
And unless those days had been cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen, those days will be cut short.
22那些日子若不削减,凡属肉体的人,没有一个会得救的;但因选民的缘故,那些日子必要削减。 |
And unless we tell them and the world that, contrary to popular belief, the typical lawyer is not a money-hungry monster, this perception is never going to change.
除非我们告诉他们和世人——与流行的观点相反——律师不是典型的爱钱如命的魔鬼,这个在世人心中的观念永远不会改变。 |
And unlike Galileo, Cassini-Huygens is a truly international effort: although NASA built the Cassini orbiter and is managing the mission, the European Space Agency (ESA) developed the Huygens probe, and the science teams for all the spacecraft instruments
此外与伽利略号不同的是,卡西尼–惠更斯号是真正的国际合作产物:虽然卡西尼号轨道船是由美国航太总署(NASA)所建造、统筹,但惠更斯号探测器却是由欧洲太空总署(ESA)所发展,且所有太空船仪器的科学团队都包括欧洲及美国科学家。 |
And unlike previous rounds, delegations have had frequent one-on-one meetings outside of the plenary sessions.
另一个不同之处是,除了举行全体会谈之外,各国代表团经常举行双边会谈。 |
And unlike the Sony, the HP gadget could play music in the background while displaying all the photos in a folder.
而且,惠普的机器可以一边展示档案夹内的所有照片,一边播放我选定的音乐,这点和新力的不同。 |
And untidy housekeepers don't necessarily become adepts of order and cleanliness just because they now have the title to their digs.
一个邋遢的管家人并不会因为成为了房子的主人就必然成为井井有条讲求卫生的行家。 |
And until day was about to come, Paul encouraged them all to take some food, saying, Today is the fourteenth day that you have continued watching without food, taking nothing.
33从那时到天快亮,保罗一直劝众人用饭,说,你们悬望忍饿不吃什么,今天已是第十四天了。 |