Furthermore a bilingual environment (English and Chinese), flexible working hours, international mates and management, awesome loft-like office space, comfy relaxation area, free soft drinks/tea/gourmet coffee, access to ExoLibrary and ExoMags as well as
此外,双语的工作环境(英文和中文);良好的福利待遇;弹性工作制度,舒适的办公空间---休息区里面各种各样的饮料、咖啡、茶,不同类别的杂志,以及各种各样体现公司文化的活动,这样的工作环境很难在中国找到第二家。 |
Furthermore capability of producing 1,600 tons high quality yarn with 6-80line produced,e.g.,cashmere,rabbit hutch,fleece,colorful yarn and capability of producing 100,000 pieces of top grade and middle rail women suit-dress and 50,000 pieces of cashmere,
另外,公司每年可加工生产6支-80支羊绒、兔毛、羊毛纱、花式线等各种优质纱线1600吨,中高档女装10万件,羊绒衫5万件,形成了以粗纺毛呢为核心向关联行业渗透的产业发展格局。 |
Furthermore cyclone can act as a taunt replacement, if one of your group pulls aggro from a target you are not currently killing you can control it with cyclones giving the player a chance to get out of danger.
此外飓风还可以作为嘲讽的替代,如果队友引到了其他怪的仇恨,你可以使用飓风吹飞来使队友脱离困境。 |
Furthermore it speeds up the process of losing weight in combination of eating less.
此外,它在你配合控制饮食的时候可以加速你的减肥进程。 |
Furthermore it was felt that any long range reconnaissance could be accomplished with aircraft.
此外,他们还以为任何远距离侦察都可以通过飞机来进行。 |
Furthermore more the quantities should be intelligent about addition and subtraction: at the least preventing you from adding 6 feet to 180 pounds.
除此之外,数量除了具有加减功能外还应具有智能性:至少它能防止您将6英尺和180磅加在一起。 |
Furthermore the computer program ISM for analyzing structural reliability is developed by using Advanced First Order Second Moment method and Important Sampling Monte-Carlo method.
分析了4种损伤:即疲劳、凹坑、腐蚀和海生物损伤,并推导出时变构件可靠性计算的有关公式。 |
Furthermore the module contains registration of and control over production tools.
另外特殊定单模块还可以登记和控制生产工具。 |
Furthermore the policy of assimilation through policies such as education, religion and general attitude of the majority society to look down on us indigenous peoples have often made us internalize the perceived notion of inferiority.
此外,这些吸纳世居民族‘融入’现代社会的政策,如教育、宗教信仰,以及看低世居民族的态度,使得这些民族开始认为自己的东西就是不好的,应该被取代的。 |
Furthermore the small stool under my buns was very boring, the small stools under our buns were all made of pure irons just for the sounds being full of power and grandeur when we put down our stools.
另外还有就是屁股底下的小凳子,为了在放凳子的时候声音能够整齐划一、气吞山河,所以我们屁股下面的小凳子都是用纯铁做的。 |
Furthermore the study will deal with an optimumand least voyage route adopted by vessels while crossing over the North Pacific Ocean.
本研究并将之应用于北太平洋船舶最省时海象航路之寻求。 |